3 cards as personality...


So I asked my cards what someone's personality is like. I did a 3 card throw with my RW (no rx) and got:

Hermit-3 of Swords-Ace of Cups.

So, I'm getting someone who is reserved in their demeanor perhaps due to some heartbreak/loss? But what's throwing me a little is the 3Sw/AC combo there. The Hermit/3Sw seem to fit but it's the Ace that is preventing me from seeing the entire picture here.

Any opinions/advice on this? Thank you in advance!


Perhaps you can include what the spread positions mean. From a general point of view, the Ace of cup would indicate where is the "root" or "sphere" of concern is. In this case it's the emotion.


Hi Canopicdoll. I didn't do a spread here I just picked three cards. I viewed the Hermit as representing the person, the 3Sw as something that perhaps happened to them to make them "Hermit-like"...but the Ace still gets to me. Maybe the person is actually emotional but doesn't show it?


Hi :)

I think the Ace of Cups is the root of spread. I think if you read these in reverse order they make more sense.

Ace of Cups - I believe this person is looking for peace and happiness through unconditional love... and perhaps even thought they had found it.

3 of Swords - Melancholy and a broken heart. Misery, sorrow, and grief at the end of an affair or friendship.

IX The Hermit - Reflection, contemplation, and self acceptance. Take care not to get too detached from the world around you.


Since the question is about a person's personality at the point of reading, I would interpret that he/she might have been hurt, is currently going through an emotional period and not showing it, characteristic of the hermit. Hope that helps.


My impression is that this is someone who is destined to be alone because he is too closed-mouthed about his emotions, doesn't learn from his mistakes in the area of love, and frankly, tends to put himself first.


Thank you Wichasa, Canopicdoll, and Starrystarrynight. Hmph, your interpretations have given me some food for thought alright. Doesn't seem like this personality type bodes well for a relationship. I have a nasty habit of finding these "hermit" types in the first place. Guess I'll have to wait and see! Thanks again! :)