3 knights in a reading!!


Hi everyone...

I had a reading about where a relationship was going and I got the knight of pentacles the knight of wands and the knight of cups plus other cards. I know the knights mean that everything is changing or moving fast.... mmmm I´d rather hear what you all have to say, I´m confused.


It depends on where they were within the reading, and what the other cards were, as well as if your knights were upright or reversed- (if you read w/reversals). however, generally, having the 3 knights can mean just as you say, things moving quite fast, or it may suggest that there is about to be some conflict between you, so be on guard. It may be easier to see the layout of the cards, knowing what each position means and the other cards as well as the position of each card, (upright or reversed).



I never read reversed, it´s to complicated for me....jejeje.... and I was so shocked at the fact that I don´t remember the other cards exactly, but I do remember most were pentacles and majors, positive ones as I recall. And they apeared on the "intellectual part of the relationship" part...

Hope this helps


*audible groan*
Oh yuck....3 knights...
As my best interpret on the spot, I would guess theres going to be alot of action for a while. Everythings still new and different, and while you are still learning about each other, it will be like a whirlwind romance. Everything flows freely...the parties, the wine, the money, the declarations of love...
but based on the kinght that is NOT there, the conversation wont be too deep or profound, and might be a little slow.You're not going to want to start a conversation on the differences between Steiner's and Osho's Zen manifestation styles. Not yet anyway :D