3 of swords in a health reading


What would this signify?

I thought perhaps mental issues coming to affect the body. Like stress...

What are your thoughts?

A link to my full reading is provided here if you wish to give specific feedback:



Possible surgery necessary.
Heart, blood pressure or circulatory problems.

Could also denote a breakthrough which although difficult to face, is the truth.


Milfoil said:
Possible surgery necessary.
Heart, blood pressure or circulatory problems.

Could also denote a breakthrough which although difficult to face, is the truth.

Interesting, especially the breakthrough idea.
Thank you Milfoil

The crowned one

The end of depression, or an accurate diagnosis of some sort are my first two thoughts based on RWS and my system of reading cards.


This card has signified these things for me over many years of reading cards (but by no means would I ever pre-diagnose any medical condition...I have just noticed after the fact that the Three of Swords came up when these things were present or came to pass.)

IVs or shots.
A blood draw.
The need for a tourniquet due to a poisonous snake bite.
Kidney Dialysis.
(What we used to call) a Nervous Breakdown.
Actual physical death of someone I knew.
Bee sting that led to an allergic reaction.
Heart attack or failure.
A blood clot (that I think they called deep vein thrombosis or something like that...it was a long time ago, so I'm not sure if I remember that right.)

Those are off the top of my head (and this list from someone who refuses to do health readings...ha! :))


I can think of two specific occasions where the 3 swords came up in relation to a hospital. Once it was literally the hospital itself (lost dog was found wandering around on hospital grounds like I suggested) and the second time indicated a hospitalization. What exactly I'm not sure, could have been illness or surgery.


My dad has his dog (our dog - I originally adopted him), put down last year, on the day the Three of Swords/Two of Pents fell out of the deck... that was the day the vet finally did an x-ray (having not wanted to stress him out the previous week), to find that he had a huge tumour in his chest, pressing on his heart and lungs.

I'd originally seen the cards as a heartbreaking decision being made, but this reminded me of the damage to his heart. :heart:


In your reading, mental, your thoughts and anxieties dancing the morbid tango with your health.


cutiecutie said:
What would this signify?
It came up several times for my brother right before he had a massive heart attack followed by a triple bypass. Three swords - the sword as scalpel - three of them for three arteries that had to be bypassed ...