3 of wands as impression


As for their impression of you, I think this card means a mutual understading between two persons.

I did read somewhere that: he shares his dreams and aspirations with her and she understands him! This is an incredible experience and he is likely to think they were meant for each other because this mutual understanding is so intense.

Any opinions?
Thank you ~


Well, I wouldn't go as far as that last bit, but I could see that he sees the potential and is willing to see where it goes and what comes of it.


I see this card as a commitment to the future, a preparedness to take on whatever is on its way. There's an element of wait and see where things go too...but on the whole there's a lot of optimistic expectation...

In RWS inspired decks there is often a man holding on to a staff/wand/stave/baton representing his stake in the future while two others stand behind him (representing the distant past and the fleeting present).


I see 3 of wands distance. Maybe the person gets that impression that you are a bit disconnected. Spaced out, not in a bad way. That your mind is elsewhere.

Never heard anything like what you read :\



It was written in OAK: Tarot of Love and Romance... Here it is http://oakheart.wordpress.com/page/8/

Male experience:

He shares his dreams and aspirations with her and she understands him! This is an incredible experience and he is likely to think they were meant for each other because this mutual understanding is so intense.

His thoughts and dreams take on a form and clarity never before experienced. He is preoccupied with dreams of creating the perfect life for them both. He is rigid, inflexible and very idealistic. He doesn’t care what she wants. He thinks he knows what she wants. Their combined energy acts to clarify his thinking and make his dreams very vivid.

Female experience:

She has an immediate grasp of what he is trying to share. She understands but gets bored hearing the same thing over and over again. Especially if he doesn’t act upon his ideas.

She understands so perfectly she feels she will never again have to think about those issues. Her thought is now we agree upon the ideal life, lets do it. Don’t contemplate, actuate. But he is not ready.

Its hard for her to understand that he is stuck while she is ready to move on.


We are discussing the 3 of Wands...in my opinion I would think the impression would be that your energy is strong and that you can stand alone, although you welcome others for help. This is a person who will put forth the work and waits to see what comes of it. In a relationship you are patient for it to grow, knowing that relationships take time to develop. I personally don't see this as a "hot" passionate card. This is a slow smoldering fire, one that will need more fuel to get it going.