4 Card Simple Answer Spread


This is a simple 4 Card Answer to a Question Spread

1= What is happening?
2= Answer to the question.
3= Guidance or Advice
4= What will happen.

I created this spread to give me a simple answer to whether my fiance would cheat on me. I got some pretty definite answers so I thought I would share.

Here is a sample of what I got:

1. The Moon = fantasy or confusion in the relationship which is true. He has been fantasizing about being with other women.

2. Ace of Pentacles = the beginning of happiness in the relationship...it means alot to me that there is no cheating in the relationship for it to be happy.

3. 8 of Swords was the guidance or advice. I may feel that I am restricted in the relationship because of insecurities about this. This is something I need to work on.

4. Knight of Pentacles. He is trustworthy so I don't have anything to worry about. The trust will deepen as time goes by probably.

Since this spread, we have talked and he has reassured me that he isn't the cheating type and hasn't cheated so I know that when I got the Knight of Pentacles the cards were accurate in saying that he would be in the future.

I feel this spread gave me some pretty definite answers.


I tried this a few times, and I felt it worked really well!



I will keep this spread handy for the future. I just used it for a few questions. One concerning whethe things will improve and the out come was good . It also explained what I was feeling to a T. Awesome

Many blessings