4 of Cups for what you need, not what you'd like/want


I was going through my tarot journal recently and the 4 of cups had come up in many instances for situations/advice to the fact that although this might not be exactly the way I would want things to be, it is what I need. Has anyone else come across this? Do you believe this is an okay interpretation of the card?


As what one needs, I can see the 4C as wallowing in one's deep blue funk for awhile (or more broadly the need to stay in whatever the current situation is).

As for whether any interpretation you come up with is "an okay interpretation of the card," even if it's not an interpretation that anyone else would come up with, if it works for you in your readings, then it's definitely OK!

Glass Owl

Perhaps it is pointing to the fact that you need to approach something with indifference.


Of course it's an okay interpretation of the card. Personally I'd see it in the need position as the need for emotional stability vs. excitement that one may crave. Examples - married/home life as opposed to a life of travel or many sexual partners. One may seem more appealing, but the other may be what's needed.


I think it would mean to just be content with what you have, don't go looking for something else.

Or that you need to get over your last relationship before going looking for another one. Give it some time and don't just jump right into another one. People have a tendency to think if a relationship doesn't work out, then they should immediately seek another one and that's the worst thing to do. If you haven't worked through the problems that contributed to the failure of the first one, then you can't have a successful new one.


To me 4 Cups as advice would be about emotional stability, establishing an emotional base, a framework... not feeling blase or bored or uninterested. Maybe it's about acceptance with what is instead of looking at what was once or what could be, but focusing on what is.


I was going through my tarot journal recently and the 4 of cups had come up in many instances for situations/advice to the fact that although this might not be exactly the way I would want things to be, it is what I need. Has anyone else come across this? Do you believe this is an okay interpretation of the card?

I suppose so.

This is a card of emotional stability. All of us really need emotional stability - it's a human-thing. But more than three-quarters of us are drawn to drama, to the highs and lows, and interpret the stability of this card as "boredom".

Most of the people I know who have been through very intense dramas (loss of limbs, cancer, near-death, etc) - and there have been many of them that I know - laugh at people who get bored in relationships or crave adventure in any form. They re-label what they might once have called "boredom" with the new word "peace", and value it incredibly highly. And that is what this card offers.