4 of pentacles as relationship outcome


What would 4 of pentacles indicate about relationship outcomes
I mean is it a positive card or does it indicate future trouble in relationship


What would 4 of pentacles indicate about relationship outcomes
I mean is it a positive card or does it indicate future trouble in relationship


I'll give a shot at this :)

It really depends on the other cards in whether or not it's a positive outlook. But by itself, I would say that the person will be either possessive of you or not very giving in the relationship. (ex clinging onto his financial assets, feelings etc) 4 of pentacles is a card of stability and security. I've had this come up as feelings before and it just meant that he is protective of his feelings. So there are multiple meanings by itself. Hope this helps.


Depends on what you intended with "relationship outcome." Is your intent was "how will the relationship end up" then I'd say smothering, constricting or tightly controlled. Whether or not that's a good thing depends on the person you're reading for. Some folks like not having to make any decisions for themselves and always being told what to do, while others hate it.

As the outcome position in a relationship reading, it suggests a lack of sharing, selfishness, one who is self-centered, one person in the relationship being clingy, etc. I wouldn't see the relationship as being warm and loving, although it may be perfectly stable.

Pandora MoonRaven

I get the same thing here. Possibly jealousy as well. Of all my decks the Unicorn Deck often to me in regards of relations to others shows the perfect description in pictures. In the 4 of pentacles you see the Unicorn and she has a rope around her neck. Though her companion is with her, she isn't there by will she is forced. She isn't enjoyed she is owned.

I see it the same way a selfish relationship that is one sided. Also the type of relationship where one person is very overbearing, overprotective. The "where are you going, what are you doing, your not spending enough time with me, who are your friends" type of person that holds you a little too close and can be smothering.

Doesn't mean this is ill intentions and I feel it is often from someone who is very insecure about themselves. Possibly someone who came from bad relationships or even their parents divorced and they have some abandonment issues that cause them to cling too tightly.


Positive is all in the eye of the beholder, one of the partners may feel ending of the relationship is positive. 4 of Pentacles can be a time of material gain, but lacks spiritual growth. This relationship from the outside looks good, but it is not growing, not letting it grow or flourish. One partner may feel over powered or smothered, the other holding on too tight, or finds finanical gain more important than sharing happy times together..it could also be a sign of one the partners beings a "workacolholic", this shows the relationship is not balanced, a possible cause for unhappiness.


What would 4 of pentacles indicate about relationship outcomes
I mean is it a positive card or does it indicate future trouble in relationship
The positive is that it might be valued and viewed as a treasure.

My gut on the other hand... is saying something different.
I would think that this could be very, very stable, but of a more stingy, stifling, possessive, jealous nature. Someone is going to own and someone will feel owned. I see it as very closed off, isolated and contained... locked up.


thanks everyone for the help
it really made sense
indicates that there could be possessiveness and clingyness in the relationship


I've found that it came up for the same person as:

a) holding their own cards close to their chest, and not doing much of anything until they knew that I felt strongly - but that happened repeatedly. They were insecure and controlling.

b) not wanting to let me go, even though they weren't giving me what I wanted. If I seemed perfectly fine without them, they would contact me - again with the control. Once they're re-established contact, there might have been a little of what seemed like forward movement, or just nothing at all, as though they wanted to see if I would respond. I couldn't go on without them, but they could ditch me and not look back. It had to be them doing the walking.