4 of Swords as Future/Outcome card


Since the past couple of months, whenever I ask the tarot a question related to my job or career, I get the 4 of swords in either the outcome position, or advice, or possible future. What could this mean? (I usually use the Rider Waite pack).

The question I ask is about whether I should continue with my current job OR what should I do now that I'm a graduate?

It would be great if you could help me figure this out. I'm pretty confused!



Kaylee Marie

The four of swords is a very meditative card. Perhaps the answer to your question isn't the either/or situation you've phrased it as -- you need to look deeper and get to the heart of the situation. What do you really want/need at this point in your life? What will enable you to grow as a person? These are much more reflective questions than the mundane work v. school question.

Or maybe the cards are just saying that you have to figure this one out for yourself. :p The answers lie within you, not the cards. (I know, I know, blasphemy!!)


On the other hand, it could be telling you not to leave your current job without getting a new one or you could end up 'resting' when you don't want to ... i.e. unemployed. Or maybe you just need a holiday. Sometimes a break, in peace and quiet, can not only assist in relaxing enough to find the answer that is right in front of us, or to help us realise what it was about the job we have that interested us in the first place. It can refresh us.

I guess it depends on the rest of the cards in the reading, and how we decide to use the information in the reading.




Because of the monochromatic figure of the motionless Knight,
in contrast to the activity in the colourful stained glass window,
I sometimes think of the proverb about "faith without works"
when I look at the 4 of Swords by Pamela Colman Smith.

A Hindu proverb says:

"Philosophy without religion is mental speculation,
and religion without philosophy is sentimentality."

The Buddha ~ "Believe not because some old manuscripts
are produced, believe not because it is your national belief,
believe not because you have been made to believe from
your childhood, but reason truth out, and after you have
analysed it, then if you find that it will do good to one and
all, believe it, live up to it, and help others to live up to it."


Courtly Love?

This is a reading of the RWS 4 of Swords that is unique to my understanding, but it might be helpful. I always thought that the knight beneath the window was identical to the person in the window kneeling at the feet of the "PAX" figure--though obviously at some earlier period. If I am right, then one sees in the window a tableau of courtly love. (There's a castle way in the background that sort of reinforces this idea.) There's a lot of cynicism about courtly love, but basically it's a very idealized, very pure love which can last eternally if the lover does keep it pure. In this case, the lover loves "peace."

What might that mean in relation to swords--not the most peaceful of suits? Well, when conflicts occur, one might take the high road: refuse the temptation to engage in a dispute or if engagement is absolutely necessary, one can refuse to be unethical in ones responses. You might lose in the short term, but you will be remembered and admired long afterwards. Most of all, you will be at peace with youself and your conscience no matter what happens.

HTH Greycats


scholar said:
The question I ask is about whether I should continue with my current job OR what should I do now that I'm a graduate?

What is your current job? Is it highly stressful. I am not fully aware of your specific situation, but the Four of Swords might indicate that your current job enables you to earn some money, but without any huge amount of stress. After the hard-work you have put into your degree, perhaps you need to stick with your current job and enjoy the freedom from all the pressure. At least for the moment. Take some time to gather your thoughts, and think about your next step. And then take the plunge, and seek a graduate job.

Hope this helps.