5 Card Advice spread


I'm sure that there are simaler spreads to this (Considering that HUGE list! WOW) but I thought I'd like to share it. As far as I know it is original, I made it for a specific question that someone asked me to do a reading for, though I'm sure it is influenced by many other spreads. I had been looking through a lot of spreads recently to get some variety from the ol' Celtic Cross spread, heehee.

1. Yourself, energies surrounding you, your present state.
2. Root issue, obstacles.
3. What you need to focus on.
4. What you need to let go of.
5. Advice card.


I sometimes use my Universal Love oracle deck for the advice position, it can add more depth to the reading. It can be nice to find ways to incorporate my oracle deck into Tarot readings.

I usually prefer to stay away from outcome cards or future cards, another reason why the CC wasn't working so well for me. I prefer to use Tarot for in depth looks into Self or situations and this spread is good for that, I think.

I have really enjoyed this spread, perhaps you guys could tell me what you think of it?

Glass Owl

MountainAsh said:
I usually prefer to stay away from outcome cards or future cards, another reason why the CC wasn't working so well for me. I prefer to use Tarot for in depth looks into Self or situations and this spread is good for that, I think.
I love this spread! I can't wait to try it out. I use Tarot for the reasons you listed as well. It seems like my Fenestra deck doesn't want to share information about the future anyway so a spread without a future position is good :) When I use that particular deck, the cards in the future positions seem to point to the present or the past (but they are events that occurred after the events noted in the "past" positions.) It seems that my Fenestra deck likes to put things in chronological order and is trying to show me a pattern. Maybe so I can see how events influence and build on one another? Or maybe that history has the tendicity to repeat itself, especially if you don't learn your lessons the first time? Either way, it seems like this deck is saying to me, "I don't need to tell you the future, all you need to know is what you already should know" and I think this spread will work well with that philosophy.


I love this little spread! I think it may already be one of my favorites....Thanks for sharing!


I came into this forum looking for exactly this type of spread. Thanks!


I've been stuck in a rut the past couple of days, making myself sick of a multitude of things going on in my life. This spread was perfect for letting my cards tell me what the real issue was and how to fix it.

Ain't it crazy how you find yourself telling someone exactly how to fix a negativity issue, then you forget to listen to your own words and do the same thing to yourself? :p Just stamp 'idiot' on my forehead. lol

Anyway, thanks for posting this. It really helped me out. Like a giant plug being pulled and everything going down the drain with the re-shuffling of the cards. Yay.

Bat Chicken

Hi MountainAsh!

I liked your spread so much I am going to use it for the Circle of Stones on the Reading Exchange this coming week!

Thanks for sharing! :)



I've had a lot of success with it and I was hoping that some one else might find some help from it as well, I'm glad you guys like it! :)