6 of cups as feelings of a man?


hello all!

a couple of months ago i met a guy. we did some research on a project together and hit off very well. we flirt a lot and we seem to be on the same wavelength. i havent felt familiar and open and warm towards a guy like this for a long time ... however, he does have a girlfriend abroad (they met when they were teenagers and hardly ever get to see each other). since my feelings started to grow stronger and i didnt have the feeling of him rejecting me, i kept asking the cards (love spread, cross) . it is amazing, but one and the same card keeps showing up for his feelings: the 6 of cups. we do have a very child-like affection towards each other, all the friendly feelings i have for him seem to be so pure and innocent and yet i crave more. the lovers and intermittently the queen of cups appear for my feelings towards him.
i dont really know how to read the 6 of cups. do i remind him of his girlfriend? does it maybe mean that he feels as familiar with me as i do with him? is it a longing for a deep innocent connection? mostly i would like to know if i can build on it or if i should discard his affection as a fleeting friendlyness. is there a potential for love?
thank you for your insights!


It depends on the surrounding cards, but taken on it's own the Six of Cups is linked with your past and childhood teenage years. This could be the link with his girlfriend.

I am also mindful here of advising you of karma, good and bad. Morally it would be wrong for you to start up a relationship with him, but my feeling is that you should allow him to make a decision on his current girlfriend. Clairvoyantly I do not foresee an immediate parting of the ways with his current girlfriend and I feel with him as someone who is happy with the status quo, he doesn't like rocking boats and is happy as long as things are bobbing along. Something that I do pick up with him though are flashes of anger that when things go wrong he doesn't handle them very well and this is on an emotional front. He enjoys the flattery and I think that suits him well for now but in terms of a relationship I do not see anything there for certain - if you push it it could backfire on you and you will be the one who ends up getting hurt; that I do feel quite strongly. Stay friends and eep it that way and if things do change then there could be an openeing but you must think long term as I do not foresee this overnight - probably knocking on the door of a couple of years in fact!

Love and light


yes, i agree with you about karma. i wouldnt do that (start a relationship, i mean). right now it is all just in my head. ive been cheated on before by my boyfriend and i know how much it hurts to trust someone and be betrayed. i wouldnt want such a man who wouldnt be able to clear his mind and make a decision for me only.
you mean he has some anger issues when it comes to intimacy? do you relate that to the 6 of cups or to a general feeling you have?
well.,..however sad your intuition is, i guess i have to live with it. rather than wait all those years i better let go.


Not to intamacy with anger but anything that affects him personally such as the car breaks down and he can't fix it, that kind of situation where things are beyond his control. It's a very specific feeling that I have picked up with you and linked to him but not from the six of cups card in itself. Strangely though I do get a nice feeling with both of you, but I don't see it for the long haul I see it more based on a friendship level.