6 of wands as someones intentions in a relationship


I don't really get this card...and to be honest, I don't like it. It feels too arrogant and even vain to me. I like to see it only in business or money questions where I feel it shows some good news on the way, or surmounting the obstacles, but in relationship questions it is a bit tricky for me.

What does this card mean if we ask about where someone wants the relationship to go? Does the person want to cooperate with the other or is (s)he too concerned with him(her) self and his ego?

I truly don't get it here...or maybe the person wants the relationship to be successful, to make it happen or if there were troubles, to surmount them?

I will appreciate any thoughts on this, thank you!


It signifies that they want the relationship to be a success, it would be a big accomplishment for them to triumph against all the odds, a sweet victory where they get the person of their desires.


wind said:
What does this card mean if we ask about where someone wants the relationship to go? Does the person want to cooperate with the other or is (s)he too concerned with him(her) self and his ego?
I think it's certainly valid to be wary of this card in this position given the question. There is an element of egotism in it; the person is thinking of victory, being lauded for their accomplishments, winning the laurel wreath.

At it's best, I'd say Willowfox has it right. The person is earnestly trying to make the relationship a success. The very, very best scenario I can imagine is the sort of person who pulls out all the stops: wine, dinner, music, flowerpetals on the bed...all to get the other person to say, "Wow! You win, I'm yours!"--that's the romantic version. The Romeo guy who will climb over the fence and swear to fight and die in order to win over Juliet.

But...and there is a big "but" here, it is a wands card, which is not only about passion but sexual desire. I think you're very right to be leery of this card. It's very much the one I'd expect to see for a guy who beds hard-to-get girls and then boasts about it in the locker room. His intentions in a relationship might just be to gain a trophy or win a bet.


Thank you both for the explanation..yes, a feeling of a trophey comes to my mind too.