8 of Wands/3 of Pentacles question


8 of Wands/3 of Pentacles in the context of potential: Does that mean it's all on me to make it happen? Must I hurl those wands? Or is it possible that I will be receiving some sort of message or news from the person in question?

It's just that if it's up to me to be sending the messages and making contact, well, I just feel it might be inappropriate on a couple of different levels. The person in question is really hard to read and I wouldn't want to push anything on them without them giving me the "okay". I wouldn't even know how to open up a dialog with this person unless they hinted at it first.

I guess it could indicate opportunity whizzing by me for being afraid to make the first move! That would be my luck!

If I had the "go ahead"(or greenlight),I'd be hurling those wands like no tomorrow but I really feel, in this case, I need to wait for a sign. So confused!


If you work fast, there will be positive results. Not only does this 8 mean communications, but RAPID ones, an adrenaline rush, frenetic energy. Or Cupid's arrow. And the 3 of Pentacles, a profitable undertaking with positive results, even if it's a positive pregnancy test. It's not always about money - this 3 is also extremely significant magically - it's the imagination & what master masons call the 'Great Work' of creating heaven on earth, & working with inner guides & teachers.


Thanks, candid!

So, then I guess I should take it as I have to act fast for there to be "potential" and if I am waiting to get a green light from the person there would be no "potential".

Rats! I'm kind of stuck between a rock & a hard place on this one. I appreciate your help, though! :)


Start your engine, and get to work.


I would take the 8 wnds as swift action yes, but the three of pents, I see maybe this is telling you to work on the communication between you and this person, which may not mean comming on too strong, working on making a good impression ect... put down some more cards for clarification

Of course, dont rely on the tarot to TELL you what to do, it is only there to guide your instincts :)

good luck


Thanks Willowfox & Cflame!

I guess I just need to get up some courage and figure out a way to get my message across...soon!

I drew an advice card and got 8 of pentacles! Get to work indeed!:)