A Cat in the Cards


Okay, this isn't a question or anything, just a cute little story that I had to share with people who will "get it". I don't even know if it belongs in this CATegorie, but here goes.

When I came home today, something told me to go check on my altar. It has only been set up for about a week, and I am still like a new mother over it. When I walked into my room, it took me a second to absorb what I saw. In the floor in front of my altar were 3 of the 4 candles from my altar and their holders. Various stones were scattered all over the room.(I still can't find one of my amethysts) A bag of loose incense was sprinkled all over the floor. On top of everything else in the floor was my Robin Wood deck that I use for daily draws, etc. It looked like they were being prepared for the "go fish" method of shuffling. Lying in the middle and on top of this mess was one very fat, spoiled and fast asleep kitty cat. When I had the audacity possessed only by humans to scold her, she stretched and gave me that don't-get-your-panties-in-a-bunch look before finding a new spot to crash. When she stretched, one card was pushed away from the rest toward me. The card was the Hermit. Now I can't be sure, but I think she was either telling me to go meditate and get over it, or she was telling me that SHE was merely trying to meditate using Mommy's tools. Who knows!? Maybe she was learning Tarot through osmosis.


i'm a real cat fanatic too so i love your story starshine. :) it is just so cat like how she responded. perhaps she was also thinking that you should be worshipping her with cat nip, toys, and FOOD instead of using cards, candles, etc. so selfishly for your own needs. she was prob just demonstrating to you who the real boss of the house is! :D before she has to demolish something else to clarify her point again. ;D

i don't know if your cat does this but mine do and it drives me to distraction! if i am trying to read a spread, they like to choose a place to sleep generally right on the middle of my cards! sometimes i have to give up b/c it seems that where they want to sleep is nonnegotiable territory. oh well! i can rationalize this by thinking my kitties are drawn to the good vibes of my cards. perhaps since they are the Bast god/desses of my household, this is a catlike way of blessing me. }> oh those little devils! :D


Saw this on a T-shirt or a bumper sticker:

The ancient Eqyptians worshipped cats as gods.

The cats have never forgotten this.

:p :p :p :p


Great! Judging by Dusty's (my cat) attitude, you would think she belonged to Nefertiti (sp?) herself! This would explain sooooooo much!


Quote:StarShine (15 Aug, 2001 07:30):
Great! Judging by Dusty's (my cat) attitude, you would think she belonged to Nefertiti (sp?) herself! This would explain sooooooo much!

ever consider doing a past life spread on your cat? could explain some questions! :D the thought is occuring to me that i wondered what humans my cats owned before me? :p


have you ever read "uncle possum's book of practical cats" by t.s. eliot? it's the poetry basis for the broadway musical "cats!" by andrew lloyd webber. it's a must have for a cat lover. eliot definitely understood the feline mind. the names that he came up w/ for his cats are so funny! i think my favorite is mr. mistofolees. (mr. mist of fleas). it's a play on words from mistofolees(sp?) in faust.


Wonderful story, and being about a cat, well, I couldn't resist. I think I've already mentioned about a trillion times, about how my cat, Q-tip, loves to sit on my shoulder while I'm giving a reading. In fact, sometimes, she even "picks" out cards for me. One instance, she picked out the King of Swords, and sure enough, my friend Gary came over and he definitely fits the description. Maybe our cats can see and/or sense something that we miss. Hmmm......something to think about.
Lots of love,


That is just so weird. My cat, Rand, too, loves to lay on my cards. Sometimes he plays with them too. I always feel that kittie energy is good for them.