A Christmas Carol


Here is a spread I designed a couple of years ago to be used at the Winter Solstice or on Christmas Eve. It is based on the novella 'A Christmas Carol' by Charles Dickens.


'A Christmas Carol' was offered as a Victorian novella in 1843 by Charles Dickens. The story is a morality tale about an old and bitter miser called Ebenezer Scrooge, who has contempt for everything in life but money, including friendship, love and the Christmas season itself. Late one Christmas Eve Scrooge undergoes a profound experience of redemption. He is visited by a series of ghosts who offer him glimpses of his past, the present and what is yet to be…

The spread
Shuffle up your favourite deck and deal out five cards. The first is placed centrally above the next three which are laid out horizontally. The final card is placed centrally below Cards 2,3 and 4. The cards, laid out roughly in the shape of a star, should be interpreted as a Christmas reflection. The card positions are labelled after the chapters (Staves) of Dickens' book.

Card 1: Stave I: 'Marley's Ghost': sets the overall theme for the reading.
Card 2: Stave II: 'The First of the Three Spirits': The Ghost of Christmas Past offers a glimpse of the shadows of what has passed.
Card 3: Stave III: 'The Second of the Three Spirits':' The Ghost of Christmas Present' offers insight into what is currently happening in your life.
Card 4: Stave IV: 'The Last of the Three Spirits': 'The Ghost of Christmas Yet To Come' offers a view of what might occur if circumstances do not change.
Card 5: Stave V: 'The End of It' offers advice on the best way to progress.


Very cool spread Elendil! This one is going into my notebook for sure. And, I'm thinking I'll try it out in the next couple of days!


This is a very good expanded Past-Present-Future spread. I just did a reading using this spread and I think it could/should be used all year. The Dickens ghost theme makes it fun to use, however. Thanks for sharing.


Christmas 2013

I did this spread again this year, this time as a morning spread on Christmas Day. I chose to read the first card not only as a theme but as the question or topic which the rest of the reading addressed. For instance, I got the Knight of Wands and I read it as "this reading is about your approach to the matters in your life--particularly career ones--in which you have not been proactive and aggressive."


Did this spread today, and was re-assured that my family will eventually heal if everyone - including me - just keep doing what needs to be done. <3 Needed that.

I love theme-spreads! Thank you for this!


I had forgotten about this one. I REALLY LIKE IT.

tarot heart

Well, I really like this one! I too shal save it and try it out very soon.

Thank you Elendil. :)