A Spread using almost all of the cards

Sunlit Wolf

Many years ago I had a reading done for me and she used almost all of the cards. I cannot remember the exact layout as I had not had my calling to the cards at that time. I was wondering if anyone could help me out with a possible what spread she used.
I think she started with the celtic cross and then as we spoke she kept laying out three cards around the table. I believe either all the cards were used or almost all.
I received alot of helpful guidance from the readings at that time. The reader has since moved from the address I had for her.
Thank you
Sunlit Wolf

Ma Witch


Hello Sunlit Wolf!

I do not recognise immediately the spread you are referring to, but I know another one that uses a lot of cards, and that might be of interest to you. It is the MacGregor-spread. You can find it with this link:


(scroll down until you see the subtitle "Third Method").

I hope this will help you.

Ma Wtch.