Ace of Wands as what to do/not to do


So I was playing around with a 3 card do/do not do advice spread and the Ace of Wands fell in the 'don't do this' slot. Since I see the Ace of Wands as initiation/passion/courage, is it in this context perhaps advising not to start an argument and opt to tread softly?
(if it helps, the 'do this' card in the spread was the 4 of Wands...)


My mind is it a pencil in the pocket or what ever... keep it zipped, don't act on your first impulse.


Don't be impulsive (Ace of Wands).. Stay within your comfort zone (4 of Wands).


Hahaha! Waleswoman, I went there too automatically! -- Even though this reading wouldn't apply that particular interpretation!

Thanks Sulis! "Comfort zone" -- I didn't think of it that way, makes sense :)


Don't start new projects - instead celebrate the ones you've just finished. Get a sense of closure and satisfaction.


Hi Jane -- sorry I missed your post until now, but yes, makes sense -- the opposite of 'initiation'....