Aces rx?


Hi everyone

If an Ace - say an ace of Pentacles is mean a possiblity. Then what does a Ace rx mean?
Some one told me once that Ace upright means "possible potential" Perhaps delay of the possibility?


I see reversed Aces as generally meaning a missed opportunity or not being able to get something off the ground. It's almost like something has failed before it has even begun!

Remember, too, that reversed cards can signify blockages in energy. So, the reversed Ace of Cups, for example, may indicate a blockage in being able to openly express your emotions.

As with all Tarot card meanings, look to the other cards in the reading and go with what feels right.


Thanks biddy9..your explanation has been helpful.


Alta gave me a good explanation once for the Ace of Pentacles in reverse. And that was the possibility was still 'in the ground' and buried... not yet available.

And perhaps also you could have drove the possibility 'into the ground' - like, you know burying a seed that was put into the ground too far to grow.


Hi Amanda_04
I like both you exaples - the second I never heard of before - but I can see how that would be in some cases. interesting...thanks


It could mean a lost item (while the Ace of Pents Rx can mean a found item). Traditionally, it's thumbs down, so means no (or not now) instead of yes, fall, decadence. Tyranny, abandonment. A bad start. Or since the metaphorical 'roots' are in the sky, it can relate to spiritual instead of physical potential. Or, you could just lack energy right now.