Adoption Triangle spread


Hi all. I was inspired to create this after reading some old posts by Dangerdork and Glassowl, and some of ArwenNightstar's fairy tale inspired spreads. This is a spread which can work (I hope) regardless of what spot in the triangle you occupy and whether or not you have been through the reunion process. Its quite simple and I am experimenting with more specific and detailed spreads. The layout I am giving here is for me, an adoptee who has been through the reunion process quite some years ago. This is the first spread I've posted so I hope I've got the shorthand right.

3x4 5X6
7x8 9x10

The upright card of each pair is supposed to be the postive aspect of the adoption experience while the crossing card is the negative. Each pair represents one individual. For my history its like this. 1 and 2 are me because I'm the piggy in the middle (or should I say daisy in the onion patch) of my four parents. 3 and 4 are my biological mother, 5/6 my adoptive mother. 7/8 my bio father, and 9/10 my adoptive father.

Here was my first result with this.
1: 8 wands
2: 6 Cups
3: King Pent
4: Death
5: Hermit
6: 6 Swords
7: 8 Pent
8: Lady
9: Princess W
10: High Priestess

I was quite hornswoggled when I first turned the cards over! I still havent quite sifted through all the subtelties but its a remarkably accurate summary in my view of my parents. For me, I totally get the 6 Cups, it could almost be the quintessential card for the adoptee, always looking back and wondering what might have been. And even worse, I became a historian professionally. I am a bit baffled by the 8 Wands. I'm not fiery, quick or really terribly wands like at all. so i'd appreciate some feed back on this.

Its interesting to note that both fathers have very strong feminine crossing cards. Not only does this seem to describe their particular situations, but it also seems symbolic to me of the secret adoption system, which was so anti women. I'm also fascinated to see that both mothers have cards involving death and grief.

It occurs to me that you can read in a lot of different directions with this spread. For example my upright card to my Mum's upright or crossing card. You can also read between sets of mothers and fathers, and between sets of parents. If you wanted to get really ambitious you could also add grandparents.

Anyway, I offer this up for others to try and to adapt. I hope you find it helpful.




I really like the way you designed this spread. I think it's a great jumping off point. Like it's easy to add more cards if one wanted to.

I'm not adopted but this is a great spread. :D


Sinduction, thanks very much for the compliment! I will give some thought to other card/questions that might be added to each person.



Glass Owl

I really like this spread. Thanks so much for posting it. I find the idea of using the Tarot to explore the facets of adoption really intriguing.

In your spread maybe the 8 of wands is pointing to what you were like as a child (your potential) or maybe what you would have been like if you had been raised by your biological parents.


Thank you Glass Owl. In recent days I did come a bit of an understanding of the 8 but I also like your perspective. Adoptees also have a ghost in their past of what they could have been like, and its a good suggestion of how to look at this. I concluded, based on the interpretation of the Druidcraft text, which is the deck I use, that its about synchronicity and messages. In that as a result of my situation i got quite good at picking up on unspoken messages and navigating my way through the silences. I can see things and meanings that leave others for dead. Its a useful skill, although one acquired at some considerable cost.


Thank you so much for sharing this spread, my bf is adopted and lately it has really been bothering him much more than usual. He has never met his biological parents and I think he's going to ask me soon to see what the cards say.

Best wishes,
Gillian xoxo


So happy I found this spread

I am an adoptee in the process of search and reunion. I found my mother last year thru a PI and I am currently searching for my father. I wish I would have had this spread then. So many secrets and lies, still uncovered for me. Not giving up though. I really enjoyed this spread. I was a little tedious for me because I am pretty new to tarot but I enjoyed the challenge. Thanks for your insights and contribution. No one quite understands what is like being an adoptee.