Advice from the suit of Wands


I did a reading it was kind of within the context of a relationship, but it could apply to a general situation as well. The Advice was 2 of Wands + 7 of Wands.

To me, this could mean to decide what you want and go for it. Although that doesn't seem to fully encompass the 7 of Wands. Perhaps fight for what you want???


The 2 of Wands could show two people, a relationship. Also it tends to be seen as future planning long term and looking out on those horizons that are in the RWS picture with the globe in his hand. There is a broadening your horizons element to the card and discovering new things. Getting out of your comfort zone. This could mean in love to broaden your search if someone was dating or looking for a relationship. Maybe they are interested in someone who is exciting but way out of their normal social circle. Maybe someone from outside their country or from a different culture. But generally it's about planning for the future and getting out of your comfort zone by trying new things.

The 7 of Wands is a fight. In love and some contexts it can also be about competition. There is also a keep persevering message to this card.

in the context of advice about a relationship, the person should broaden their horizons and go outside their comfort zone. maybe they are scared about asking someone on a date but long term if they want a relationship, they will have to do that to at least someone ;) with the 7 of Wands they may have to win over that other person they are interested in in some way.

In a general context this could be about planning for the future and laying something down. Like trying a new class or interest. The 7 of Wands could be a message about keep persevering with it to "win" :) hope that helps


The 2 of Wands could show two people, a relationship. Also it tends to be seen as future planning long term and looking out on those horizons that are in the RWS picture with the globe in his hand. There is a broadening your horizons element to the card and discovering new things. Getting out of your comfort zone. This could mean in love to broaden your search if someone was dating or looking for a relationship. Maybe they are interested in someone who is exciting but way out of their normal social circle. Maybe someone from outside their country or from a different culture. But generally it's about planning for the future and getting out of your comfort zone by trying new things.

The 7 of Wands is a fight. In love and some contexts it can also be about competition. There is also a keep persevering message to this card.

in the context of advice about a relationship, the person should broaden their horizons and go outside their comfort zone. maybe they are scared about asking someone on a date but long term if they want a relationship, they will have to do that to at least someone ;) with the 7 of Wands they may have to win over that other person they are interested in in some way.

In a general context this could be about planning for the future and laying something down. Like trying a new class or interest. The 7 of Wands could be a message about keep persevering with it to "win" :) hope that helps

this does help. getting out of my comfort zone would definitely be some advice because that's hard for me right now.


I did a reading it was kind of within the context of a relationship, but it could apply to a general situation as well. The Advice was 2 of Wands + 7 of Wands.

To me, this could mean to decide what you want and go for it. Although that doesn't seem to fully encompass the 7 of Wands. Perhaps fight for what you want???

Wands are most likely about creating something here, although at times they can also be about passion, but I think the first here.

For me, 2's are about the interaction between 2 people of things. So to start with the answer is about what you can or will create together between the two of you (or whomever the reading was about). 7s for me refer back to the Chariot. So that card would be saying that there will be some difficulties in creating what you hope to create. BUT that if you don't give up and keep trying in the end things will go extremely well and you WILL in fact create all that you hoped to and more. It's saying that if you want it don't give up. The result of not giving up even when the going gets hard is that you will succeed in an big way in the end.



Wands are most likely about creating something here, although at times they can also be about passion, but I think the first here.

For me, 2's are about the interaction between 2 people of things. So to start with the answer is about what you can or will create together between the two of you (or whomever the reading was about). 7s for me refer back to the Chariot. So that card would be saying that there will be some difficulties in creating what you hope to create. BUT that if you don't give up and keep trying in the end things will go extremely well and you WILL in fact create all that you hoped to and more. It's saying that if you want it don't give up. The result of not giving up even when the going gets hard is that you will succeed in an big way in the end.


This is super applicable. And I hope that it's true. This is my life right now!!!!!!!!!!!! This is what I initially wrote in my notes but I wanted to get some other opinions. I think part of the 2 of Wands is about deciding. So that's a big part of this combo. Deciding and then going for it with gusto.