Another 'X' spread/relationship (10)


Greetings. I came up with this nifty little spread after seeing that there are a lot of others that are out there that answer some or most of my mind's questions, but doesn't seem tailored enough for me. So I came up with a 10 card layout with twists, and the root of it was based around ex's, though I have recently used it for potential lovers as well. I don't have a nifty name for it though, so if someone can think of one feel free to make a suggestion :D

Once it gets a workout, it can be easily modified to reflect jobs/career and other aspects just as quickly. For now in its infancy, it's just about relationships.

****1**** <-- 10 card covers Card 1

Card 1 : Hidden

Card 2 : How does he/she feel about me? (internal)
Card 3 : How do I feel about him/her? (internal)

Card 4 : What appearance I show the world (external)
Card 5 : What appearance he/she shows the world (external)

Card 6 : What are the obstacles for him/her/Their obstacles?
Card 7 : What are the obstacles for me/My obstacles?

Card 8 : What does he/she wants from me?/Advice for me?
Card 9 : How I should proceed or act

Card 10 : Hidden

Here's the breakdown, and the twists.

- Card 1 is laid first and hidden, with Card 10 laid on top or beside it, also hidden. If 2 or 3 cards are reversed for positions 2/5/6, then this card is turned and is a clarifier for Card 9. If not the card remains hidden and unused.
- For Card 10, if 2 or 3 cards are reversed for positions 3/7/4, then the card is turned and is a clarifier for Card 8. If not the card remains hidden and unused.

- Positions 6 & 7 : If "people" cards appear such as Knights/Queens/Kings then there is opposition or competion to be aware of. The other man/woman. If the Emperor appears this is a Father or Father figure. If the Empress appears this is a Mother or maternal figure.

- Position 9 : If a Page appears, communication is needed or expected. If the Fool appears, you will need to try the spread again at another time. The Card 1 clarifier may shed light if it is called to be turned.

I have done this spread a couple times already with some surprising accuracy. It can be done alone or with your interest with you. If anyone tries this apread, let me know how it turned out for you. This is my first created spread, so I'm interested to see how it turns out.

There is no outcome/answer card for a reason. Love and relationships are about choice, not predictability. I opted not to include an outcome/answer card for just that reason. Cards 8 & 9 give feedback on what can or should be done, and then it's up to us as individuals to make that choice, or ignore it.
