any suggestions for crystals?


I am a graphic designer and love having crystals sitting in front of me on my desk.

I have a rose quartz and purple amethyst at the moment and a piece of tourmaline on top of my montior.

I was wondering if anyone can recommend any other crystals that might be beneficial to me regarding, creativity, physical and mental energy, general de-stressing and peace oh and balance.

Any help greatly appreciated!



Hi! I have just got into crystals recently, myself. Here are some recommends, mostly based on The Crystal Bible, a book I highly recommend!!

Citrine~Great for energy, both creative and physical, inner clam and creativity

Clear Quartz~Healing, energizing and cleansing.

Smokey Quartz~grounding, energizing, concentration. Also good for headaches and body aches, especially if you are sitting at a computer all day!!

Tiger's Eye~For recollecting your thoughts and restoring creativity, unblocking those unresolved thoughts and ideas.

I am sure others will have great suggestions, too!

Little Hare


BlueLace agate is fantastic for creativity :heart:


awe thanks so much, i'm going to visit the crystal shop tomorrow and get some more to add to my collection!


Go for the greens!! Here is a list of possibilities with Amazonite my own favorite and available at a very reasonable price....

flourite (exremely pretty and inexpensive)
green tourmaline (not cheap)
green garnets (astonishingly expensive)
etc, etc.

Green is the color associated with Venus and all things creative. It's also the color for the heart chakra, so green stones tend to bring out emotional depth in your creations.

I have green hearts in flourite, zoisite and amazonite which I purchased from

I happen to own both emeralds and green tourmaline. I don't think they are any better for magical type work than the other green stones. In fact, I'm a real proponent of green flourite or amazonite which have to be the cheapest of the green stones. And somewhere along the line in my now longish life I got a degree from UCLA in design. So I know of what I speak in terms of creativity. Green will definetly get you going.

All the best.


Picasso stone(aka Picasso jasper),Lapis Luzuli and boji stones and carnalian as well. Green tourmaline as someone else suggested helps as well.


Citrine, which is a wonderful booster. One of my favourite pick-me-up stones, especially in the area of creativity.

Malachite - just have it around. It soaks up emotional stress and concentrates the heart and mind so they work well together. The copper content makes it the ideal "conductor" stone.

Clear quartz will give you clarity.

If you ever feel down or that there is some negative energy around, black tourmaline will soak it up and transmute it into light. Black obsidian is also good for creativity. Those two black stones (actually, obsidian is a volcanic glass) are magical, in my experience. Grounding, transmuting, the blackness allows for all possibilities to exist - the pool of inspiration is endless...

Lapis lazuli...I can't say enough good about that one. It will open up your eyes and third eye - particularly since you are a graphic designer, this will be of help!


thanks for so many great suggestions, i will put it on my list for my next purchases!
