anybody ever draw your tarot deck in stick figures?


in morgan greer's "21 ways to read a tarot card" she saids by doing this you might pick up on details on the card that you might of not noticed initially. i have done six major arcana cards and i did feel more about the card without face epxression and exess details and also noticed details i haven't noticed before. its kinda finda actually!! its a good exerise in getting to know a new deck also!! or when you are not sure on the meaning....


thought about it..

I thought about it but never did...I saw some on the web. I do keep a sketch book and when to mood hits me I attempt...I say again...attempt :) to draw some figures and signs...but if Morgan Greer is recommending it, you can be sure it is a good exercise. :)


Aaaaahhh...That's Mary Greer. I'm using the International Icon tarot. Its a step up from stick figures. That's why I'm using it. Its stripped of all gender or expression. There is nothing there but outlines of figures and symbols. Drawing the stick figures myself might be interesting tho. I'm not to that part of the book yet. LOL



There was actually a Stick Figure Tarot that is OOP. I saw one deck come up on eBay for $550!!! I think it actually had a pretty high rating to (for being a good deck). Here is the link to it:

I thought it was great, and have thought about making one for myself. It would be cheaper!

valeria :D


When I was working in Iraq three years ago, we had to decamp very fast once and I lost my cards! So I made myself a deck with paper and stick figures (would that I could draw!). It was an interesting exercise, and it worked. I didn't keep them though.


I've drawn some spreads. Sketching the figures and relating the elements together. Not so much stick-figures but sketchy nonetheless. I do draw a fair bit.


yes, I have used the book and the ideas twice throughly with new decks. The stick figure idea has been very helpful when quickly including three or four cards in a spread within one picture. For me, it shows the strongest card symbols depending on where I draw the stick figures and symbols on the page. The Author says
I strongly encourage you to do the next activity, as it is the best tool I've found for teaching people to synthesize the meanings of cards"
The exercise in Mary Greer's book is shown on pages 176-179. I totally agree with Mary greer in this.~Rosanne


valeria said:
There was actually a Stick Figure Tarot that is OOP. I saw one deck come up on eBay for $550!!! I think it actually had a pretty high rating to (for being a good deck). Here is the link to it:

I thought it was great, and have thought about making one for myself. It would be cheaper!

valeria :D

Ya'know, I'm very new to tarot "reading" and have been very drawn to the
"stick" tarot cards from the very beginning. I love the simplicity of them and yet they are very detailed in the symbolism. They have been on my wish list for some time, even before I knew about AT and actually had a place to voice my "wish list". All I know now, is that I missed out on a great opportunity to buy them at a reasonable price a few months ago. Suddenly, OOP means more to me now than they did in the beginning. Hindsight really makes it hard to "skip" buying a deck. Especially when you think back in hindsight that one you loved a while back is now OOP and worth XX$ amount of dollars.

It gives a whole new meaning to the De-enabling thread!!