Anyone have a relationship breakup spread?


I am wondering if anyone has a good relationship breakup spread I can use. I am in the process of getting out of a 5 year relationship, I broke up with him...I want to learn from this relationship and know why it didn't work- like why we were bad together, and how I can make it easier on him.

Thank you...


I don't know if this is what you're looking for, but I hope it helps. I got it from my, Complete Book of Tarot Spreads, it's called Ultimate Happiness.


1. This is what you will get rid of.
2. This is what you will accomplish.
3. This goes with it.
4. This will bring you luck.
5. You will be confronted with this.
6. This solution is a blessing.

I don't have any breakup spreads, sorry. You could probably use a relationship spread and alter it.

Open Arms

I have a relationship spread that you could alter - try this



*5 ...................*9 .................. *7

*1 - You
*2 - Them
*3 - The Relationship
*4 - What You Gained
*5 - What You Lost
*6 - What They Gained
*7 - What They Lost
*8 - What Helped the relationship
*9 - What killed the relationship
*10 - What you take away from this
*11 - What they take away from this

Usually I am doing it for people who are together or coming together so the place meanings change a little but you get the drift (Gain and loss changes to what is helping or hindering the relationship etc)

Hope this helps and good luck!

Open Arms


Thank you both so much, both spreads are wonderful and both are exactly what I needed. I will try them out!!