Are some people more naturally in tune ?


I have only been reading tarot for a couple of months yet I allready feel that they 'talk to me'

I have never had any lessons but I am now doing angel card and tarrot card readings on line for friends as well.

Anothet thing I notice is that I seem to pic up the on the feelings of the question that a person wants to ask without them having to say it.

Different cards resonate different energies for different people.

Are some people more naturaly in tune with reading tarrot?

Zed xx


personally, id have to say yes its kinda like how some things you are taught and others you just know. i mean, ive been reading for almost 4 years now, so i have everything pretty well down (granted im still learning of course ^_^), but for a gift to a friend i gave her a deck, her first deck at that. and damned if it didnt seem like shes had it forever! so i guess what im trying to say is, yes, for some people, it just comes natrualy like all talents and gifts ^_^


Most people can do it with some practice it seems. Some do have more natural facility though.


Or is it that some people are less inhibited about using their intuition to read the cards? I think that might be it.


Zedekiah said:
Are some people more naturaly in tune with reading tarrot?

Zed xx

The Magic 8-Ball sayeth: It is indubitably so.


Good point lyric, I feel that I trust my own intuative responses and feel that this trust helps me in reading the cards.