Are you going to use the coming lunal eclipse (Sep 27) for charging decks?


Although the usual practice is to charge a deck during a full moon, I can see many ways charging a deck during a lunar eclipse can be useful for specialised uses. This particular eclipse is a pretty rare phenomenon as it happens during a supermoon. The first thing that comes to mind would be a deck to predict violent acts, as the moon happens to be in Aries. Any other ideas?

More info about it here:


I'm not, I only charge my decks, crystals and other items on a Full Moon that is favourable to me. I think this time last year there was a Super Moon that was so positive and that was good. I look at my astrological chart (or just read the notes and ideas of astrologers online) and see if it is beneficial to me in energy terms or not. This one is not for me so I won't.

however some people think that the moon's energy at any event like this is good for their deck cleansing / charging and other people don't believe in this sort of thing at all. So I'm not but others may and that is fine. If I was Aries or Libra it would probably be more beneficial for me :)


I don't charge my deck.
However concerning eclipses in astrology, they have perturbating effects it's not positive.


I usually use the full and new moons as reminders to cleanse my three personal decks. I don't let them sit out in the lunar light as I don't believe either of my windows in my bedroom catch the moonlight, and of course don't trust leaving them outside without my supervision. As I'm an Aries, the next full moon may be extra helpful if I can find a way to have them come into contact with the lunar energy.


I wouldn't recommend charging an ordinary deck with a lunar eclipse. The eclipse is a negation of the fullmoon, quite unlike a new moon. But that sort of "dark" energy can be used for specific purposes with a special deck used for specific work, not your ordinary one.


Thanks to the OP for bringing my attention to this. :)

Traditionally because they were not understood - eclipses were assigned all kinds of negative connotations. However in more modern times - eclipses are seen in other ways... powerful points for inner focus and for meditation on the hidden face of The Goddess (if you're pagan - which I am) - and/or the darker halves of ourselves.
Charging my cards under an eclipse never occurred to me. However I'm thinking about it now... (I know little of Astrology - so I don't follow it in detail and wouldn't know - in astrological terms if this or any other eclipse + full moon is favourable or not, for me in this sense. I don't work with this as it's not my forte).
It's more likely I'll use the eclipse night for self-contemplations and ritual - perhaps with selected decks accompanying me - and then on the next night of the full moon - charge these decks.

You've fired up ideas - thank you. I'm off to look in my lunar myth texts and design something for myself. :)


I don't think I'd want to try and charge a deck in an eclipse...but it might be a useful way to de-fuzz or clear energies from decks that have started to get heavy, or were used for spells that went a bit wrong!


Are you going to use the coming lunal eclipse (Sep 27) for charging decks?
No. All of my decks work well, they don't need charging.

I'll be walking around outside during the eclipse.