asking the question


I usually ask...
What do I need to know about today, this week
about an event and so on.

NOW I'm starting to think that these types of questions are NOT
specific enough, when I am reading for myself.
I usually try three cards at the most and think...what the heck? :laugh:

More specific the question the clearer the answer?????

What are "good" questions to ask yourself,
when doing a reading? OR What kind of questions work for you?

Thanks for any comments!


I know I feel more empowered if I ask the right type of questions so I've been making a list of 'good' questions to ask. I try to align my questions with what I'm trying to achieve at the time. Sometimes I just want peace and other times I'm all gung-ho to get something done.

I've recently been asking, "Where should I focus my thoughts and energies today for my higher good?" for my daily draw. I like it because it makes me aware of what I should be conscious of through the day and where I should put my attention.

Here are a few other questions I have on my reference list:

What is my challenge for the day/week?
How can I be more effective today?
How can I succeed today?
What am I invited to learn today?
What energy can I tap into today?
What do I most need to be aware of today?
How can I best approach this day/project?
What is my magic for the day/week?
Where is my bliss today?

~Nisha :)


This might seem counterintuitive, but I find when the cards are too confusing that it sometimes helps not to ask any question at all. I find this works really well for my daily draws. The images almost always spark something in me. I might see someone I work with, for instance, and how best to handle them. When I have a specific issue I want to ponder, then I focus on that. But for good general information, I find it best to let the cards come up first, and then try to figure out what they relate to.


ros said:
I usually ask...
What do I need to know about today, this week
about an event and so on.

NOW I'm starting to think that these types of questions are NOT
specific enough, when I am reading for myself.
I usually try three cards at the most and think...what the heck? :laugh:

More specific the question the clearer the answer?????

What are "good" questions to ask yourself,
when doing a reading? OR What kind of questions work for you?

Thanks for any comments!

Absolutely, the more specific the question, the more detailed and specific the asnwer will be. Well just ask what you want to know. I can't tell you what that is, only you can know. But I can tell you that I don't believe there are any limits to the kinds of questions that the cards can answer. I have never seen them have any trouble answering anything I ask, even the questions on the nature of life, pliolosophy,....I have never yet seen a question the cards cannot answer. Although I have, on occasion been told outright that it is not in the best interest of the querent to know and knowing the asnwer now would ruin a spiritual lesson they are meant to learn on their own.

Whatever you are curious about they can tell you, just ask if you want to know.

As for the phrasing of questions I try to remember not to ask questions about what I should or should not do. I believe we have to make our own decisions about our life, the cards are just a tool to let us see all the otpions more clearly.

So I won't ask "Should I take this new job?" eg, I would split it in two and ask " What will happen if I take this new job" and "What will happen if I don't take this new job?" and choose the better of the two. Now you might think you could be more specific and ask you "What will happen emotionally....?" Or "What will happen finanically....?" But I would not want to narrow it down here as I would want ALL the most pertinent info that could help me decide.

So narrowing things down can be good IF you want a specific answer, sometimes you could want a general one that covers all bases.

I also personally will not do yes/no or timing questions with the cards.

Again, what kinds of questions you ask are personal preference. I just ask whatever I am curious about . I tend to use Tarot mostly, when I read for mseylf as a tool for self-improvement. It's like the greatest self-help book ever written infinite in scope. I do not tend to use it to predict the future as much as to create the future I want to have. Tarot, for me, is a tool to create our happiness and best possible futures.

If something is making me unhappy, I ask how to change it OR how to change the way I am viewing it to a more postive viewpoint, and then I take teh advice. I use it alot to solve problems and when I know what future I want the cards help me create it.

I just ask where I am heading and if things are fine, fine, If the future I am heading towards is not the one I want, then I do series of readings on how to change that future into the one I want. Then I follow all teh advice and do more readings until I have learnt what I needed to and am heading in the right direction.

Anythign about the meaning of life are favorite kinds of questions for me purposely, like why I am here in this lifetime, what life lessons I am here to learn, why do I need to learn them now, what sacred contract do I have with this person, how can I overcome ego, what life lesson am I being taught by this situation, ....?

Well that's me anyway. LOL



ros said:
I usually ask...
What do I need to know about today, this week
about an event and so on.

NOW I'm starting to think that these types of questions are NOT
specific enough, when I am reading for myself.
I usually try three cards at the most and think...what the heck? :laugh:

Yeah, I never ask stuff like this. There's too much to know in a day or a week, plus I'm too impatient. lol I find these only work for me in hindsight, and I rarely ask then, because by then I know.

I also don't do daily morning draws with tarot anymore, even though I have done them for months or years at a time when I'm studying. It's just too stressful somehow. I find other oracles are better for first thing in the morning (with no question) and also for right before you go to sleep, if you're worried or something. Plus, animal decks are good for knowing which spirit guide is with you or helping you at the moment. (Otherwise, I use oracles the same way as tarot.)

ros said:
More specific the question the clearer the answer?????

What are "good" questions to ask yourself,
when doing a reading? OR What kind of questions work for you?

Thanks for any comments!

Well, I do think the longer you've been reading, the more you can get away with in terms of vague questions. It just becomes a habit of thinking, to ask what you want in ways that work for you personally - whether you think or say out loud the exact words or not.

I ask whatever I want, pretty much, but I try not to be biased or presume I know any part of the answer. Like instead of, 'why was so-and-so a jerk today', I'll ask what led X to do or say that? What is going on with them? Or just, why did they do or say that?

I also don't ask things I don't want to know. Or that I already know the answer to, unless it's for the purposes of studying/getting to know the deck better. Example: Now and then, I'll ask to be shown the cards that represent my own feelings for someone, or a situation I'm in... when clearly I already know my feelings or the situation. Just to see how the deck translates it into symbols. It's interesting to do when you don't really have a question but want to work with a deck.

I ask yes and no questions and read them intuitively. Sometimes I'll try methods I read about, but most of them tend not to be accurate. lol My intuition usually is.

I ask timing questions sometimes, even though I have NO system for interpreting them. It's either completely intuitive, or I just wait (don't interpret at all) and then write the answer in my tarot journal whenever it comes to pass. lol One day, I'll go back and look for patterns.

I ask about dreams, usually right after I wake up if a dream is bugging me. What did that dream represent in general? What did this person or that symbol represent? What did that weird bit at the end mean?

I've read about plot points in books before I read on and find out what happens.

I've compared people... like one fictional character, me, someone else/several other people. Three cards each. (Pretty much turns out to be how our lives are going so far and what sort of people we are; plus you already know the fictional person's whole journey and character.)

I'll pull one card only to see how someone else is doing today. When we speak, I usually ask how their day was so I can see if it was accurate. lol

I ask what will be the outcome if do this... and if I don't? If I'm choosing between options, I'll do those two questions for each option. If it seems like there might be really varied reactions, I'll do outcome for me and outcome for them, if I do it and if I don't. (So, four cards.)

If I'm bored I may ask what should I do right now. Almost never makes sense, so I just eventually end up doing something, somehow. Then in hindsight, turns out it was whatever the card said it would be. lol

I'll ask what I should do (to get the outcome I want). Still up to me to take the advice or not. Similar to what SunChariot wrote, it's a way to try to change things for the better.

I use past, present, future (meaning short-term future) sometimes. I skip the past a lot though, because I know it. Also, I'm not that into looking at the long-term future of things... though I guess it depends on what I am asking about. If I specifically want to know that, I usually do two separate cards: short-term and long-term.

I also ask about outcomes or effects on me (or someone) mentally, physically/practically, and spiritually.

If it's not obvious from recent readings, every once in a while I ask what my significator is these days. Or sometimes, I'll ask what my significator is in the moment, to see how I'm handling something.

Even more rare is to ask where I am right now on the Fool's journey. It's usually the Moon or the Hanged Man. I think that's because I wouldn't think to ask at any other time. :joke:

When I write to people, and it's important, I ask how my letter will affect them.

Sometimes I ask what my role is in a situation or a relationship, or how it's affecting my spiritual growth.

I tend to only ask things like 'tell me what I need to know about...' when I can't think clearly because of emotions, or I can't formulate a question in an unbiased way. Like, if I have a hunch something is going on but I have no way of really knowing for sure, I'll ask, what can you tell me about the possibility of [this being the case]?

I almost never use pre-made spreads. The one I've used most this last year or so is the 'new deck interview' one.

Most everything else is more specific and in the moment. I ask whatever I want to know, as if I'm talking to a person who has all the answers. Or, I just sit and think about a situation or a person and draw cards. No question. :) My methods run the full gamut. lol

Hope that helps. This got awfully long...


Hey ros,
If I'm asking a vague question like, How will today go for me?, I'll use a spread with specific meanings. I've been using this for a few days:

1. What will continue today (what has been set in motion that will be passed on today)
2. How will it go, what will affect me most
3. Advice
I like to keep things practical and not too in the ether, or it's of no use. Just change up your spread until it gives you the info you need.


I keep a journal, and, as a beginner, I find it is helpful if I write out the specific question before I ask it. It is interesting in a reading how the question can become muddled, and you don't remember quite how you ask it. I find that if I do a reading, think I remember the question, and then go back and look at my written question, I may not have gotten it just right. Oftentimes there will be something in the exact wording of the question that sparks something in the cards that I may have missed.

There is some good information in this lesson about questions for self readings:


missy_ said:
I keep a journal, and, as a beginner, I find it is helpful if I write out the specific question before I ask it. It is interesting in a reading how the question can become muddled, and you don't remember quite how you ask it. I find that if I do a reading, think I remember the question, and then go back and look at my written question, I may not have gotten it just right. Oftentimes there will be something in the exact wording of the question that sparks something in the cards that I may have missed.

Do you know I still do that sometimes after years. Sometimes I forget to ask the question down if I am too excited to see the answer. LOL Then by the time I get the answer I forget the actual phrasing of the question and I can't be sure if parts of what I see in the card pertain to the answer or not. LOL

Yep, I'm with missy on that...write down the question first. I'm trying to remember to do that at all times...



Thanks everyone! :)

I have wrote down cards before and went back to them a couple
days later, finding that I was correct. My thoughts are just not
clear for the immediate answer. I do think rephrasing my questions
will help.
