Best books for Rune novices


Hi all! I know very basic knowledge about runes but am looking for a book that goes into their meaning (history and divination, etc) in reasonable detail without all the fluff that sometimes comes in these books.

Any suggestions as to where I should start? Thanks :)


I think I've read them all, stuffy to fluffy!
The one I keep here at my desk is
The complete illustrated guide to Runes by Nigel Pennick
It falls mid-range between stuffy and fluffy
Lots of pictures of the ancient items with runic script on them
Good coverage of the various groups of runes.

The only thing that made my eyes roll was his suggestion of a cloth and pillow set up for doing your casting. But time has moved on and today looking at the picture it seems an excellent idea considering his rune stones are quite large, and it is basically a I'm going to do yoga now set up :)
Large book, many photos, I got it used for under 5 bucks. a bargain any way you look at it.

My second favorite is by Cassandra Eason
I made my spread cloth and do my throws based on her design.

Like Nigel, she have books on everything which usually makes me think industry as opposed to knowledge, but everyone has to make a living don't they?


Hi Callistoluna,
I agree with AJ on The Complete Illustrated Guide to Runes by Nigel Pennick. It is a very good book and covers several different sets of Runes other than just the elder futhark. It is a great reference.


I'll look at that one then! Thanks guys :)