Buckland Romani-Judgement


The Judgement card: Not the one of the judgement depicted in other decks in which people are to be judged. Instead this is another bright and sunny card, one filled with joy and emotion. There is a family standing in the blue water, they look happy, they are moving forward together. The child looks a little frightened but his mother is holding him reassuringly. She will protect him. The card seems very family oriented, as though they are deciding to move forward through the water because that is what's best for those they love. They are chosing the direction they will go.


The word here is RENEWAL!
This reminds me of the rituals , when all the clans gather at Saintes Maries de la'Mer, France, in honor of Sarah la Kali, the black Sarah, the
patron Saint.
It Happens every may 24/25 Candles are lit in her honor and a feast is held. In a prosession Sarah la kali is carried through the city and out into the waves of the ocean. everyone follows her and dunks into the waves to be blessed, cleansed and renewed.
In my imaginationthis family is standing in the waves, watching Sarah being dunked!


Thank you somuch Michell! I have been puzzling over this card for some years now, and never thought to connect it with St Maries de la Mer! renewel, indeed!