Buckland Romani - Twos


The 2 of wands (staves) - i think the man looks like he is up to something. this man knows where he is going. he will use what he has (he holds the 2 staves) TO DIRECT HIS ENERGY. he is determined and quietly confident.

The 2 of cups is very soulful. The 2 children give this card more of an innocence - making the union, attraction, more of a pure one such as marriage, or a meeting of soulmates. i think the 2 of cups can sometimes represent seeing someone through rose tinted glasses, and perhaps the children can show the childlike attraction - following the heart and not the head.
the bird looks down on them - not sure what this means??

The 2 of knives - i love this card !! - temporary comprimise. the woman covers his eyes so he cannot see forward, and she looks to the side. i think this is because they need to stay put - not move forward. he has to hold onto his ideas and problems, and not move with them. it is a bit of a 'in limbo' card. the foundations of a house has been built - but they cannot proceed for the time being. it is winter - perhaps in the spring they can act.

the 2 of wheels - this man is strong and capable and practical. he holds 2 different wheels, and finds a way to join them. putting his energies into making them work together. i think he is making the most of what he has - and he is succeeding!!


I always saw the two of swords as that the guy was blindfolded so he doesn't see the woman. Kind of like warning you about the dangers of avoiding the truth, or keeping others at such a distance you don't experience all of life.


interesting view ......... i do agree with the point of avoiding truth - but i think that they are in this together. they know what must be done for the time being. they have to stay put and give things time to come into the light.


Perhaps the Two of Chivs and the Eight of Chivs go together? Maybe he need to hold off for now because he needs more practice? Maybe the cold is affecting his aim? The wooden structure in the background is quite interesting.

I like the bird in the Two of Koros card. The children are innocent but are being watched over by intellegence.

In the Two of Bolers it seems like he is practicing an intricate dance. Is it an important part of a ceremony or just for amusement? He has a solemn face, from concentration or is it a serious situation? The background is hard to make out. There could be wagons, tents or a castle type wall in the background. I guess that with different readings they may become different things?

The Two of Koshes seems to me to be wary of something. Maybe he sees something he doesn't like or maybe he smells something bad?