Calling all psychic/remote viewers! I have lost an object!



I am desperate...and I know there are so many really talented people here, so I thought I would give this a try!

I lost my journal. It's a regular sized, lined journal, with an antique map design on the covers.

It not only has all my necessary addresses in it, but it also has my entire deck histories as well!

It's imperative that I find it!!

I already tried searching my entire place, and tried the pendulum...but I keep getting that it's somewhere in the living room.

And I have torn apart the living room...and still no book!

Any ideas?
Anyone here want to try and "look" for me?

ANY thing you can come up with will be looked into!

I am really desperate!! Thank you!!!!


I am not sure how good I am at this, but thought I would give it a whirl. I used the IJJ Swiss Tarot, which was right at my fingertips.

I picked three cards.

The World-You will find it! It is not lost for good!
The Star-You will find it, keep hope alive!! Stay calm in the matter.
7 of Cups-Something is holding it. A bag, a drawer, an oversized pocket book, or a car, possibly a box.


Hmm. It seems to me it's under something ... like a large piece of furniture or that it got swept up(carried off by mistake) with some other papers, etc. and moved to a place you didn't mean for it to go.

Good luck and let us know when you find it.



If you are in possession of a fold-out couch, perhaps it got stuck beneath the back-support cushioning? I keep getting a visual of it beion sandwiched-in spine-down, and vertical in close-quarters type of space. But not the living room. I'm thinking a study-area if not the couch.


If you believe it is in your house then look upstairs(if you have one) on a shelf mixed up with other books, or on a shelf in the closet, the direction I get is in between East and North in your home. It just seems to be amongst other books. Is there a chance that another person has moved it?

Is it also possible that you took it out with you when you went to visit someone, like a neighbour perhaps?

Asked a question whether you would find it,

Answer = Hermit, 6 wands, Wheel, 3 cups

So keep searching and you will find it.


it is in your house, near the doorway entrance, where the wall or brick is
could be covered, see if this help



I used everyone's clues to search with...Disa and StellarMyst were both right...

I took apart the cushions on the large chair, and then removed the chair cover (blanket, really) from the chair next to it...

Lo and behold, it was there...spine side up!
Lodged between the two chairs, under the blanket, impossible to see, without moving a bunch of stuff!

Thank you thank you!!!!

You guys are the best!!!!!



Cool! Glad you found it.



So glad you found it!!!, when i first saw you post i had a vision of a large sofa and i felt it was either in it, on it or under it. Then i read through and realized you found it , brilliant!!!
Good exercise tho, thanks LOL