Can someone help me make sense of this?


Okay so tonight I deicded to try a reading. A general celtic cross spread and used for the spread and card meanings. Heck it was a quick resource. Anyhow, I make a txt document of the locations of the cards and their meanings(what the site said they meant) and I think I am reading into them a little much but was wondering if someone might be able to take a look and tell me what they see? I would really appreciate the help.
darn just noticed I cant attach the txt document. guess I will just post which cards were where...thanks for any insight I can get. :) And yes, if you are wondering, I shuffled the deck fairly well, or so I thought...
I didnt really have any particular question, I think throught the shuffle I asked "Where is my life heading?" Was that too general???
Sig- Death
1-Princess of Disks (Represents the situation as it is now)
2-Three of Swords/Sorrow (Represents what is crossing the situation, for good or bad)
3-Five of Swords/Defeat (Represents the basis of the question.)
4-Four of Swords/Truce (Represents the past. It could be either the distant past that is influencing the situation, or a situation that is currently passing away.)
5-Five of Wands/ Strife (Represents what crowns and could possibly come into being, i.e., an alternative course of action)
6-QUEEN OF Cups (Represents the near future. If Cards 5 and 6 are complementary, Card 5 does not represent an alternate path, but strengthens the probability of Card 6)
7-Six of Swords/ Science (Represents negative emotional/personality aspects that are influencing the situation; i.e., "what holds him back.")
8-Knight of Swords (Represents the influence of significant others upon the situation. )
9-Princess of Swords (Represents the clients deepest hopes/fears about the situation.)
10-Prince of Wands (Represents the final outcome)

What I understand is that a move that I might be considering is looking more and more like a possibility rather than a consideration. I am going to TN the end of the month to see family, that has wanted me to move there and in the process was going to check into transferring with my job...I just dont want to read too much into this reading.


Hi there

Could you post your own interpretations of the cards first please - I'd like to try to help but the rules say you must have your own interpretations of the cards first - i.e. what you think that the cards in those positions mean, before someone can give you some feedback. What you've done, is put the positional meanings next to the cards drawn but not your idea of what the card means.

Eg: what do you think the Queen of Cups in that position might mean?




oh i am sorry. I thought I was just supposed to put what I thought the reading meant sorry. ummm...lemme try and put it without sounding like a dumb butt being my first n all ....of course, I may be missinterpreting these but will post what I think.

1-Princess of Disks: The situation now is that I am dedicating a lot of my energy into work. I dont see anything new coming into my life just yet at this moment.
2-Three of Swords: I dont see the loss of a loved one but I do know that I have had a lot of emotional problems and diagnosed as bipolar has caused a strain on my energy levels.
3- Five of Swords: My question was "where is my life heading" and I am understanding this card as it will be hard, but I will overcome whatever obstacles come my way.
4-Four of Swords: It says that there is retreat and rest, which is why I am taking the trip to see family this month. I need a break, but this is supposed to be a card representing the past, so maybe my time of rest is over already?
5- Five of Wands: I am understanding this to mean that I have more struggles with work but that I will find a way to make everything work.
6-Queen of Cups: Represents the future and that I will continually be incluenced by others thoughts. I have always had a problem with decisions and others' judgements.
7-Six of Swords: My relocating queite frequesntly has been holding me back from finding love and a place to settle down. It is my biggest downfall
8-Knight of Swords: There is the possibility of a move or change in my life regarding work (this is the first clue that maybe moving to TN is a greater possibility)
9-Princess of Swords: There is a commitment to the changes coming and I will accept the risks.
10-Prince of Wands: The final outcome is looking like a move or other opportunities coming my way.

Sorry this is so long. I have a hard time minimizing explanations. thanks again.