Can the deck choose a Significator?


A long time ago I used to study the Tarot without actually reading them. I picked out the King of Swords as my significator; it fit my sign, my hair color, and the personality I felt I had, so it was a good match except for my being very young. But since I took up reading, very recently, I've decided not to use significators; why constrain the myriad interpretations of the cards?

But here's the odd part. About a month ago I did my very first daily reading, Bunning-style, and drew the King of Swords. I felt a little creeped out, but brushed off the fact that a former Significator came up in my first daily reading. But today, in my second Celtic Cross reading, the King of Swords again came up, falling in position 9 -- extremely apropos to a reading about my own, often depressed, state of mind! In spite of my skepticism about the Tarot, I feel like the deck is choosing the King of Swords as my Significator whether I like it or not!

Has anyone else had similar experiences?

Nocturnal Lure

My beloved has had the Hermit "forced" upon her, it seems to push itself forward everytme I read for her.

I choose not to use a significator, because quite simply, the whole deck represents me (or the querant), in different facets. Off course cards that turn up often to signify your personallity are an interesting message and might give you interesting perspectives on where you are on the path of life, but all that can change from one day to another as life is dynamic, while choosing a significator would indicate you as a person are a static entity in your life.

Interesting question thoug, I think this is one of the big differences between readers.


I never thought of the whole deck representing me, but that actually feels entirely correct.

I never use them anyway--one less card that might be important. I haven't noticed any cards being 'forced' on to me as a sig, so there probably hasn't been any. If the spread calls for a sig, I usually just see what comes up as that might provide more insight about 'who i am' in this situation. It gives me more self knowledge.


Enchanted Significators

The Enchanted Tarot/ZernerFarber deck comes with the Celtic Cross directions and always has the deck choose the significator. The significator becomes an important part of the reading, and creates interesting dynamics between the cards. Sort of like an informal "this is you right now" card. I've found it always quite interesting, and it isn't more "forced" than any other card Tarot offers in a spread. :) BB, Michael


I don't purposely pick a significator, but know that the Queen of Wands often refers to me in any reading that's about my life path or actions.

The mystical element here is just informative, not scary to me. And very accurate!


Yeah, I had something similar happen to me. In most of my readings I'd keep having the Queen of Swords appear in representation spots. Then I did the test where you place out all the cards face down and slowly weed out the ones which feel warm? I ended up with the Queen of Swords again. It was quite creepy.


How interesting that I'm not the only one with this experience! Thanks for the feedback, guys!


I always let the deck "choose" the significator. I think it gives a more accurate reading for the querent as it indicates where you are now. If you pick the significator I think that forces the reading more because you are putting your personal ideas of where you are onto the reading. Where you feel you are and where the deck feels you are can be totally different. I do agree though that there are often recurring patterns (I journal all my readings) and they aren't always the same, but certain cards definitely come up more often than others.