Card Tarot


in Card Tarot
i want to ask about the meaning is good or bad when i picked
A very Dark Elderly Man
A very Dark Young Man
A Dark Woman
A very Fair Woman
A very Dark Elderly Woman
A very Dark Young Woman


I am confused... so sorry.
But your tarot deck is called Card Tarot? Who publishes it?... I've tried to search for something like that and... the results are every Tarot/Card combo and infintessimal.

Are there any names or numbers on the cards or are the ones you listed the names on the cards? Are there any symbols with them, such as cups or swords? Anything that might give you a clue if they represent earth, air, fire, water?

I'm guessing that these are court cards and the elderly ones would be kings and queens... the young men knights/princes and women as princess/pages.
I'm not sure but my guess would be that the very dark might represent Earth/Pentacles, the blonde might be water/Cups and no clue about the others.



Also, all the court cards have positive and negative qualities. It depends on the surrounding cards in the spread and/or if the card is reversed.


AH! Reading with regular playing cards is actually not called Tarot but called 'CARTOMANCY.'

Now we have an idea of what you are asking.


thanks Sulis for link
i love to see this study group