cards speaking to you instead of querent?


Has anyone ever tried to do a reading for someone else and felt that the cards are speaking to an issue in their present lives instead?


I think I mentioned in the 'fear of giving people bad news' thread that I did a reading for a family member once and something came out which I decided not to mention. As it turned out it could easily have been a warning for me and I wonder if that was why I felt so strongly I shouldn't mention it.

I see it as a reason to listen to my intuition on these things as it's often right! I read runes as well and usually leave the 'blank' rune out, but every time I have a strong feeling to include it and do it comes out in the reading.


I believe like energies attract- so even if you see something in the cards that speak to you- the very same thing may be manifesting in the quarents life- I would go with the reading.


This happened to me a couple of days ago. I do readings online and I get them to choose numbers which relate to the cards. The reading just didn't feel right I just knew these were my cards. I contacted the lady who thought it was quite apt as she is quite empathic. Anyway it was a reading I really needed at that moment in time, I couldn't thank her enough.


thanks for all of the input

...I can take all of the above advice and apply it to my situation. I did "feel" that the spread wasn't right when considering the person I was doing the reading for and his general circumstances, (he's a long time family friend and I am privy to "most" of what goes on in and around his life). I also realize that everyone has parts of themselves that aren't "out in the open" and although my intuition was saying the cards seemed to be addressing my concerns, perhaps I should refocus on the querent and see how this could be meaningful for him in his life right now. It's just that it threw me off completely and I couldn't continue interpreting for him which made me feel anxious about how to handle a situation such as this and I hope it doesn't happen again. I'm also thinking I should set aside some quiet time to meditate before I draw anymore cards for another reading to re-direct my own energy because I almost feel as if everything that's going on in my life is having a negative impact on reading for other's (?).