Career Cards & I get the High Priestess.


hi! what career should I take for better career growth, and I received the High Priestess.
I would like to know what does that mean. Should I get in to the metaphysical world as a career. I dread to do so, coz most of the people around laugh on my penchant for this subject. And I can genuinely not pursue it as a career with my family being subjected to this, and also their approval will never be met. I too dont want to delve in to it completely as in a full time career. So what does the card depict , and what should I do?


I really understand when you said your family will disaproove of your choice of following a career based on metaphysical or occult science. I am on the same boat. It's not easy to get rid of fears of what others might say.

High priestess is about unconscious so what about psychology. And It's a well accepted and respected science.

Louis Cyphre

And what about psychiatry ?

The High Priestess is a spiritual card so maybe its recommending you to choose a religious career like priest or spiritual guide/guru.

Or any other career which requires patience and insight.

PD: How did you do that spread ?


High Priestess says, "Do what you know." Are you already very good at something?


hi! what career should I take for better career growth, and I received the High Priestess.
I would like to know what does that mean. Should I get in to the metaphysical world as a career. I dread to do so, coz most of the people around laugh on my penchant for this subject. And I can genuinely not pursue it as a career with my family being subjected to this, and also their approval will never be met. I too dont want to delve in to it completely as in a full time career. So what does the card depict , and what should I do?

LOL Open your mind! This is about discovering hidden knowledge, delving into the unknown, so it doesn't have to mean sitting in some shop behind a crystal ball and shuffling tarot cards.

Psychology might be one option. What better card to plumb emotional/spiritual depths of the mind?

How about criminal profiling, understanding what makes people tick and why they do what they do and predicting what they might do next in order to catch them before they do something worse? I can't remember what it's called exactly, but my daughter wants to be one and is thinking about police work and investigations.

In the medical field, it could be a radiology technician, x-rays and sonograms, ultra sounds, internal medicine, discovering the unknown, unseen mysteries of the human body.


Some kind of counslor perhaps?


Hi there :)

The High Priestess for carrer choice can be many things not only metaphysical.
She is an advicer so psychology, filosofy, religion. Also a teatcher, school job.
Also this card shows the home, so house decorations, cooker and so on.

Also is a maternal card, so can be relate to birth and babys.

Good luck :)


hi! what career should I take for better career growth, and I received the High Priestess.
I would like to know what does that mean. Should I get in to the metaphysical world as a career. I dread to do so, coz most of the people around laugh on my penchant for this subject. And I can genuinely not pursue it as a career with my family being subjected to this, and also their approval will never be met. I too dont want to delve in to it completely as in a full time career. So what does the card depict , and what should I do?

Therapist. You could conceivably incorporate the tarot as part of your practice from the Jungian perspective. There is legitimacy in that applicability of the tarot if you are ultimately concerned about what your family, friends and neighbors might think. There is nothing wrong in exercising the powers of intuition and the ability to be self reflective and help others and support the in their life journey. It's quite respectable and honorable. I also don't see anything wrong in going to the 'dark side' mwwwwah ha ha ha! of the metaphysical.

HP means, to me, honoring and acknowledging the intuitive aspects and expression of your being. If you deny this aspect of yourself you are then, I believe, you are denying a central part of your being. I spent a great deal of my life in denial, and personally, I found myself at odds with myself to some extent. It wasn't about others perceptions, it was ultimately about my perception of myself and finally a matter of owning my own power.


Considering you are from India, I think this card may be quite literal. I am not sure but...
Something to do with women. Maybe you could pull another one, just to get into a more specific area.

The high priestess is also about revealing hidden stuff, facts - knowledge, also teachings, but more alone, so maybe working on an academic research. She has to do with memory and mind. Also, counselling as others mentioned. Meditation.


The High Priestess is holding a book/scroll. That might mean writing, reading, studying, knowledge, wisdom, library and maybe blogging. Answering the question the High Priestess seems to give a hint "inside". There must be a career that is associated with the "inside", inner world. I think that it could be referring to psychology, maybe even writing or blogging on the topic. There are many options that can relate with the keyword "inside" and maybe you know better which one is available in your life (as an option).

The number 2 also suggests me that it's not the time to pursue career that you are talking about right now and might need to visualize and think about what you want more in your inside. I think number 2 might mean making up your mind and when you are sure what you want, you might do some yes/no spreads using multiple but concrete options.

One more undeniable thing about High Priestess is that she is enormously wise and pretty well located between those two pillars. She looks comfortable and confident. I think it could mean "trust your inner self and go where your heart tells you to". Mind is limited but the gut feeling can choose the right path for 20 years ahead taking in account things that the mind would have never imagined before.