Choose your deck, querent!


I have been thinking about my small but growing collection of decks and wondering if anyone out there provides the querent with a choice of decks they'd like you to read for them. We talk a lot about finding the deck that "speaks to you", but what about the deck that speaks to the querent? I suppose it might have something to do with what kind of reader you are. If you just read for the querent and they just listen, or if you involve them in the reading. If you involve the querent in the reading more and are more of an interactive reader, then the deck used should be one they feel a connection with as well as yourself.

I am considering maybe taking one card, maybe The Fool, from three decks that I know well and showing them to the querent to find out which they prefer. If they prefer the Alchemical Fool, then out comes that deck and off we go!

Although, depending on the situation and your knowledge of the querent's needs, you might ask them which card unnerved them the most and do a reading with that deck. Sometimes the things we are uncomfortable with can tell us a lot about ourselves.

Anybody do something like that or have any thoughts on the matter?


When I read in person, I let the querent choose the deck. From whatever decks I have with me on-hand. (I never have ALL my decks with me.) I let them look through them if they want, or just choose based on the box/bag if they want. Sometimes they'll ask me to choose, and then I will; but I always give them the chance first.

However, I won't read with a deck until I've broken it in. So, it's always a deck I have some connection with (I normally break decks in when I get them, and if I don't connect with them, I put them in the 'give away' pile for when I find someone who makes me think of that deck.)

P.S. I'm not an interactive reader, really. If someone wants to learn about the cards/know more about WHY I'm saying what I'm saying, I'll tell them, but I normally just try to give the information I receive. But I like having the querent's pick for the same reason I like having the querent's touch the cards during the shuffling process... I need their energy in the reading.


I have 3 main reading decks & the occasional "special" deck that I will bring out on rare occasions. Of my three reading decks, I will lay them out in front of the querant & let them select thier deck, which they usually go for the Universal Fantasy. Once the deck is chosen, the others get put away. then I let them shuffle.
It allows me to bring the querant more into the reading by letting them select the deck that speaks to them at that moment.


I just use which ever deck I'm using as my reading deck at the time.

I've found that generally folks aren't bothered which deck is used, they're more bothered about the message that's given.


First reading...

About a bizillion years ago a friend of mine and I traveled from Orange County to North Hollywood (CA) for my first tarot reading ever. It was at a private residence in one of those quaint 'ol bungalows that area was known for.

The reader asked me to choose a deck from 5 she had arranged on a mantle in her living room. I had never seen a tarot deck before so I think I probably went for color - I like bright colors. :) But I found being able to choose my deck added to the whole 'mystique' of the experience for me.

I've had several readings since and have never been given a choice again around decks. Maybe it was just the thrill of my first reading or being young and naive but that first reading still stands out as my best!


Nope. I choose before I go out, what decks or usually deck I am reading with.


Well, I'd have to ask myself what my motive would be for offering a selection of decks. Would offering a selection of decks help me to be of more service to my sitter? Or would it just be a boost to my ego to be able to say, "Look at me and look how many decks I can read with."

The sitter wants to know the message the cards have for them. They expect the reader to have the deck and just read with it. Would a surgeon give you a selection of scalpels to choose from for your surgery?


Grizabella said:
Well, I'd have to ask myself what my motive would be for offering a selection of decks. Would offering a selection of decks help me to be of more service to my sitter? Or would it just be a boost to my ego to be able to say, "Look at me and look how many decks I can read with."

The sitter wants to know the message the cards have for them. They expect the reader to have the deck and just read with it. Would a surgeon give you a selection of scalpels to choose from for your surgery?

No, but when I get a manicure, I get to pick the color. When I get fluoride at the dentist, I get to pick the flavor. And some doctors will ask you if you want to pick the color of your cast (more common with children, but I'm sure they'd allow an adult to have a specific color cast, too!).

I think this is an interesting point and ultimately boils down to how one believes deck choice influences the reading---is it functional or cosmetic? Something to consider!


I like to let my client choose out of 3 or 5 decks of what I feel most comfortable reading for, in certain circumstances. Others, whom I read for on a more regular basis, I may have a particular deck they prefer so will always use that. If I have a bunch of querents lined up for one night I will use 2 specific decks simply out of comfort. A lot depends on the circumstance and where and who I am reading for, but I do find they often appreciate being able to choose a deck that looks intriguing to them and they seem to hone in more on the message being delivered, so options have their merits.


I don't let my sitters choose a deck as that isn't how I read. So far, I have only taken The Golden Tarot, Russian Gypsy Fortune Telling Cards, and Mystical Lenormand decks with me when I read in person. Each deck suits a different type of question, focus - or lack of them. Frequently I will use all 3 during a reading - even a 20 minute one.

Once I took a couple of decks with me and the sitters either didn't care, or they were drawn to the Golden, which has GREAT "curb appeal" or should I say "table appeal" with its beautiful imagery based on charismatic fine art and flashy golden edges :D

However, this is just the way things have worked for me, I've been at fairs with readers that offer a selection of decks (Tarot or oracle) that sitters can choose from and it works for them.

:love: valeria