Color meanings in RWS


With the many levels of symbolism that tarot entails, can anyone give an overview of color meanings, specifically within the RWS deck?

For example:

purple: knowledge
blue: emotion/intuition

Specific feedback requested for "orange" as I was asked and couldn't answer with confidence. I defined as creativity and passion.

would love to get feedback on this or to find out any books that provide color definitions.

Thanks so much & Blessings,



Hum...which RW you're talking about. If you see the original, for instance, it isn't very rich in colours. All is a bit green-ish or so. So it's hard to read with colours there.
Other more colourful version os RWS are all re-drawn version...not the one done by Pamela Smith or Arthur Waite so it's hard to tell if the colours' meanings have anything to do with the original RWS interpretation.

Yet, there are many colour lists available in many different places of the web. I think looking for them, OR studying the cards yourself and seeing what suits you best, might be a good option.

:TPW Yuko