Colorado Seal Spread


Tarot Spread of the Great Seal of the State of Colorado

visible here


1. The great and all seeing cosmic eye of justice, karma, and fate. once the spread is completed the meaning of the card in this position will become clear as the sun in the day or the moon at night.

Position 2 and 3 each have two cards each, and are placed in an x formation similar to what the seal presents
The ax of position 4 is held in place by red, white, and blue wrappings inscribed with the motto, Unity and Constitution

2. Unity, what unites the power of the situation, how things need to be united
3. Constitution, what is the makeup of the situation, how is that makeup applied,
What is detrimental to the survival of those involved?
4. The axe blade, what power is being held in place, what is the power that is to behold. Raw power at hand.

The shield is divided into two parts, the top is snowcapped mountains and the bottom is a pair of mining tools, a pickaxe and hammer.
5-7. The snow capped mountains, peaks of power, what is being held in view, what must be transversed,
8-9. Mining tools, what tools are available to dig to the truth and excavate what is needed, what is the source of support and income available.

There is a banner beneath the shield that dictates Nil Sine Numine, which is Nothing without the divine. Added cards can be applied to this banners meaning for clarification of the reading so far.

Simple seal, complicated spread.