

I am still trying to figure out how to combine the cards so that they make sense. Example: A friend mentioned that Venus was going retrograde and she wondered what effect that would have on her already unstable relationship? I did a 5 card spread (because the 3x3 and Grand Tableau make my brain hurt) and got Bouquet, Bear, Whip, Scythe, and Ring. The Whip, Scythe, and Ring pretty much tell me that the relationship will end but I am trying to figure out how the Bouquet and Bear fit in. Would it be along the lines of "The happiness (Bouquet) and security (Bear) that they once shared is no longer there due to the carelessness and meanness (Whip) they both exhibit toward each other when they fight. Because of this there is going to be an ending (Scythe) of their relationship (Ring)"?


Trying to link astrological matters (the effects of a retrograde Venus) and Lenormand makes my brain hurt :) I'm not quite sure how to read such a question with the cards. If the question were "What will happen in my relationship beginning on (date of Venus going retrograde)?" I might stand a chance of making some sense out of it. Maybe your friend should consult an astrologer.

Reading it "straight," relationship breakup (Scythe + Ring) looks like a real possibility, caused by arguments (Whip + Scythe), possibly over finances (Bear + Whip) that may have taken a turn for the worse (Bouquet + Bear + Whip + Scythe). I usually read in a sentence and don't jump around when reading a line (although I know some people do). By the way, astrologically Venus has quite a bit to do with resources, including money, so there could be a connection with the retrograde and the financial trouble suggested by the cards.

Does anyone else have a better feel for this than I do? If Whip + Bear means "an argument with Mother" or "a power struggle" here and not finances, it would change the thrust of the reading.


Trying to link astrological matters (the effects of a retrograde Venus) and Lenormand makes my brain hurt :) I'm not quite sure how to read such a question with the cards. If the question were "What will happen in my relationship beginning on (date of Venus going retrograde)?" I might stand a chance of making some sense out of it. Maybe your friend should consult an astrologer.

Reading it "straight," relationship breakup (Scythe + Ring) looks like a real possibility, caused by arguments (Whip + Scythe), possibly over finances (Bear + Whip) that may have taken a turn for the worse (Bouquet + Bear + Whip + Scythe). I usually read in a sentence and don't jump around when reading a line (although I know some people do). By the way, astrologically Venus has quite a bit to do with resources, including money, so there could be a connection with the retrograde and the financial trouble suggested by the cards.

Does anyone else have a better feel for this than I do? If Whip + Bear means "an argument with Mother" or "a power struggle" here and not finances, it would change the thrust of the reading.

Well there is trouble with finances (that seems to be a huge fight between them). They are trying to buy a house but his credit is bad (he owes a LOT in back child support) so they are having to rely strictly on her VA loan, which isn't giving them much to work with, and then she has issues with saving money (she is incapable) so he gets mad at her for spending all the money and they don't have enough to pay their bills, so how are they supposed to buy a house? I have helped them out by buying some of his paintings ($1500 worth...they are DAMNED good paintings) so they wouldn't get their utilities turned off. And yes, they do fight a lot and both of them are miserable but, at this point, neither one is ready to call it quits. I think that is why she was wondering what this retrograde would do to their relationship. She might be thinking that since Mercury retrograde is so rough that Venus will be the same. I don't know enough about Venus retro to say what it will be like.


As an astrologer I don't place a whole lot of weight on retrogradation of the faster-moving planets unless there are important contacts to the natal chart. But if you google "Venus retrograde" you will find a lot of - let's say imaginative - interpretations of its meaning. This one seems the most applicable to the situation here:

"Relationships can be turned inside-out, as the two people find they need to explore the hidden undercurrents of their relationship. When the hidden, suppressed, minimized or ignored dynamics finally come out, it can disrupt the status quo of the relationship – which may or may not be a bad thing! "

Given the nature of the cards, we can probably discount the "not a bad thing" observation.


I'm out of practice with the Lenormand, but agree with how you've both read the line. It certainly does seem like the reading is talking almost as much about finances as the relationship, which is fitting as both are in Venus' domain.

Barleywine, I would read the answer "straight" as you did, just like any other question about how X will affect Y. I don't think there's any need to try to to tie astrology to the Lenormand -- that would be crazy-making!

Reading the line in a very simplistic manner, I might say that things relating to any positive (financial) security (Bouquet + Bear) will become more discordant (Whip) and will cause danger (Scythe) to either a relationship or contract (aka the house purchase) (Ring).

I second the recommendation to have your friend seek out an astrology reading from someone experienced with transits. But here's a simple tip for in the meantime: while Venus goes retrograde relatively frequently (what is it, every 18 months or so?), it does so in different areas of the zodiac. It repeats areas of the zodiac about every 8 years, though, so if she wants to know how this retrograde will affect her, think back 8 years and consider what was going on in her life with resources & relationships. That might give a clue. Since as Barleywine said it all depends on if Venus will be interacting with anything significant in her chart, it could be that this Venus Rx won't be very powerful for her.


I'm out of practice with the Lenormand, but agree with how you've both read the line. It certainly does seem like the reading is talking almost as much about finances as the relationship, which is fitting as both are in Venus' domain.

Barleywine, I would read the answer "straight" as you did, just like any other question about how X will affect Y. I don't think there's any need to try to to tie astrology to the Lenormand -- that would be crazy-making!

Reading the line in a very simplistic manner, I might say that things relating to any positive (financial) security (Bouquet + Bear) will become more discordant (Whip) and will cause danger (Scythe) to either a relationship or contract (aka the house purchase) (Ring).

I second the recommendation to have your friend seek out an astrology reading from someone experienced with transits. But here's a simple tip for in the meantime: while Venus goes retrograde relatively frequently (what is it, every 18 months or so?), it does so in different areas of the zodiac. It repeats areas of the zodiac about every 8 years, though, so if she wants to know how this retrograde will affect her, think back 8 years and consider what was going on in her life with resources & relationships. That might give a clue. Since as Barleywine said it all depends on if Venus will be interacting with anything significant in her chart, it could be that this Venus Rx won't be very powerful for her.

Hmmm, not sure of the exact date but I think it was about 8 (maybe 9) years ago that she was going through a divorce. But yeah, buying a house in this area is rough. I have been trying for almost 2 years and the houses that are in my price range are either tiny or dumps - and I am approved for almost $100K more than she is.