Compatibility Spread


Last week, a friend came over for her first ever reading. She asked about her future with her ex-betrothed (? - they were potentially breaking up). Rather than focus on just an outcome, we suggested she ask something like "What do I need to know about our relationship". None of the standard spreads seemed to fit the question, so I tried this spread on the fly. I think it worked well.


1. The foundation of the question - the characteristics or skills of the querant that impact the relationship.
2. The querant's actions.
3. The querant's emotions.
4. The querant's thoughts.
5. The other party's actions.
6. The other party's emotions.
7. The other party's thoughts.
8. The likely "outcome", or how the two personalities function together.

I laid three cards for each position. We were able to look at patterns and discordance in how she acts, feels, and thinks and compare those pattern with his. We looked at what she brings to the table (card 1). We talked about where the two were in sync and out out of sync, and what the end result might be. I like the way the spread allowed us to see patterns between thought, emotion, and action as well as between the two parties. It was easy to see how those patterns fed the outcome.