could someone do a chart for me?


i have a need for clarification, help finding my destiny.
my birth date is november 9 1979 wetaskiwin, alberta about 8:00 at night.
any help would be much appreciated. thank you


Hi Cartarum,

You can a chart done for free at Just follow the links. You'll need a place of birth as well. It is fairly easy.

You can get a basic interpretation and forecast here as well. Have fun exploring the site. :)



You can also get one at Scroll down to "Free Chart."

isthmus nekoi

Hi cartarum, welcome to Astrology :)

Chart readings are a lot of work, usually taking a lot more time than tarot readings. So don't feel bad if no one has the time to do a chart reading for you personally. You may want to dabble in your chart yourself - check out our resources and study group threads if you're interested.

Minderwiz and I (mods for this forum) are trying to work out a system to handle chart requests or reading exchanges.... so do check back later to check out the status on chart requests.


thankyou, isthmus

i consider astrology to be the last word considering divination.
considering how much damage i did with the cards, i shouldnt dabble too much with astrology-i dont want to fall off the map and out of sight completely. so, i would be content with just a glimpse at the bigger picture.
some sort of chart making program would be a great addition to the forum. thankyou~A~