Court and suit combos


Another court cards question :D this one is about how are affected the active/pasive courts cards when combined with an opposite properties suit, for this I've come to the following conventions:

Active court cards: Knight and King
Pasive court cards: Page and Queen

Active suits: Wands and Swords
Pasive suits: Cups and Pentacles

What happen when we combine an active court with pasive suit? or the other way, are pages more affected than queens when combined with an active suit? what is stronger the court or the suit? I hope the question is not so confusing :)

Thank you everyone for your comments.


Excellent question Flavio! Firstly, I'm sure most of us at the forum would agree that the Courts are perhaps the most difficult arcana to read, and this is partly do to the fact that there is much dispute over the elemental associations to the courts. Personally, I relate Air to Kings, Water to Queens, Fire to Knights, and Earth to Pages--it just makes the most sense to me. It seems you're pretty much following the same logic. Therefore, it's clear that many of the courts themselves are a combination of both passive and active elements (i.e. Q/W, K/C, P/w, K/P, etc.); these personality types, to me, are more tempered and less extreme in energy (passive or active). Therefore, it seems to follow logic that a court/pip combination that's active/passive is sort of the same. I know this makes no sense...

Blessings, FS

Hope I didn't confuse you, I know I'm confused now...


Elements have variety?

Flavio said:
What happen when we combine an active court with pasive suit? or the other way, are pages more affected than queens when combined with an active suit? what is stronger the court or the suit?
Good question. I don't think they cancel each other out, if that's what you're asking.

I've always put more emphasis on suit than on court. Thus, a Queen of Wands is going to be more active then is "natural" for a queen, a King of Cups more passive than is "natural" for a King.

I don't think that the "passivity" of the Queen brings the energy of the active Wands down that much. But I might view that energy as more contained or focused thanks to her "yin-ness" as it were. So the fire of the Wands becomes a hearth fire rather than a raging blaze. Likewise, I don't think the "activeness" of a King is going to make passive Cups that much more energetic, but I might view that energy as a bit more active, more intent on doing rather than resting, a bubbling hot spring instead of the usual cool pond--if it's a King's "yang-ness" behind it.

Elements, after all, have variety. Fire can be candleflame or bonfire, wind can be a gentle spring breeze or a hurricane. I think the Courts give the elements different "shapes" as it were, according to their particular energy. Thus, our page/princess may be the gentle candleflame, while our King/Knight is the all-night bonfire.


FaerieStorm said:
Personally, I relate:

Air to Kings
Water to Queens
Fire to Knights
Earth to Pages

--it just makes the most sense to me. It seems you're pretty much following the same logic.
Yes, that is right I did not breakdown the association of each court but that is the same logic I'm using, thank you for putting clarifying that point.


Thirteen said:
I've always put more emphasis on suit than on court. Thus, a Queen of Wands is going to be more active than is "natural" for a queen, a King of Cups more passive than is "natural" for a King.

I don't think that the "passivity" of the Queen brings the energy of the active Wands down that much. But I might view that energy as more contained or focused thanks to her "yin-ness" as it were. So the fire of the Wands becomes a hearth fire rather than a raging blaze.

Likewise, I don't think the "activeness" of a King is going to make passive Cups that much more energetic, but I might view that energy as a bit more active, more intent on doing rather than resting, a bubbling hot spring instead of the usual cool pond--if it's a King's "yang-ness" behind it.

Elements, after all, have variety. Fire can be candleflame or bonfire, wind can be a gentle spring breeze or a hurricane. I think the Courts give the elements different "shapes" as it were, according to their particular energy. Thus, our page/princess may be the gentle candleflame, while our King/Knight is the all-night bonfire.
I see, combinations of court card and suit aren't black or white, they have a wide range of grey tones to be considered in order to understand how the element affects the natural features of a court character. Thank you very much.

Now that I understood there is no need to have a conflict between the suit and the court, I'm thinking about the grey tones of those court cards compatible with the suit, so the court cards better connected with its suit would be:

King of Swords
Queen of Cups
Knight of Wands
Page of Pentacles

By reading Rachel Pollack's 78 Degress of Wisdom I remember she mentioned that Queen of Cups intuition rivalizes with that of the High Priestess, because of this strong combination of Queen with the Cups suit. I can see now that suit enhanced the natural features of the court character but don't transform it into something different she is still a Queen not a Major Arcana, so on the other hand uncompatibles suit/court aren't something to be afraid.

Thank you very much for the enlightening comments.