Court cards as situations


Hi, I'm sure a question like this has probably come up before as I know courts can give people some trouble interpreting. But, as a rule of thumb, how do you look at courts when they come up as representing a particualr situation?

I did a spread earlier today and a court came up in the "situation at present/how things currently are" position and I'm just very stuck on it. Interestingly, the court that appeared, I could easily attribute to a particular person (as I've felt previously that this court has represented this person in past spreads). This reading didn't directly involve this person but they do have an impact on the issue overall.

So, basically, if you're asking about how something currently stands or what card best represents the situation at the moment and up pops Queen of Pents or King of Swords or Knight of Wands, etc, how do you break that down as an overall situation?


I would suggest taking an attribution of the court card as person and applying it to the situation. Think of the King Wands as being dynamic? Then as a situation, the KW might be pointing to the dynamics of the situation. Think of the Knight Pentacles as being slow, plodding or methodical? Then as a situation, the KnP could be pointing out a situation that's moving too slowly. Think of the Queen Swords as sharp-tongued? Then as a situation, words or how those words are spoken or interpreted may be an issue.



Short answer: trust your gut. If you think the "situation" is referring to a person influencing things, then you're probably right.

For guidance: there is an old thread about a method of reading Courts in a 3 card reading that you may find helpful. I think it's a good method and I generally refer to it for 3 card readings (like the general one I do daily for myself). I've more or less adapted the method for when I do Celtic Cross spreads too.

In practice: I did a CC for myself just this morning and the Queen of Swords was the first card I drew. No doubt about it: that's me. Not a situation, not another person. Moi. In the "Root" position, I drew another Court and felt that it was absolutely describing a situation because when I draw this card in my general daily reads it indicates a certain kind of progress. In the "What's to Come" position, I drew a male Court, which to me, is undoubtedly another person -- and not just any other person: it usually describes one specific guy I know. Now, the "Final Outcome" card was also a Queen and my gut reaction was that this card did not refer to a new person, but ALSO stood for me, though I reserve the right to be wrong :) It could indicate a third party, but given its placement, I just felt that it described a progression, if you will...and internal progression.

In summary: go with your gut. That's the only hard and fast rule of tarot reading. You have to do what feels right to you. The cards are tools for the reader. That said, I do think there are helpful guidelines, like the 3 card reading method I learned on this forum. I found that to be particularly helpful because it gave me some parameters to shape the way I approach readings. I say "shape" because they don't, however, define them.

As to how to use Courts to describe a situation, I agree w/ Rodney.