Crazy "Energy" When Reading...

David Hooper

I've noticed that sometimes I can't "connect" with the cards. It happens most frequently when I am in a flustered mood and it affects both readings for myself as well as others. The cards make no sense, etc.

I used to do a second reading or ask for more clarification, but have found that this only makes things worse. It's like being in quicksand and getting sucked down more each time.

In situations like this, when I know the cards are completely off, my sense is that they're telling me more about my own energy surrounding the situation more than the situation itself. Like, "Hey, you need to put these cards down, calm down, get grounded, and stop obsessing over this."

Have found that it's best, especially when looking for advice on a sensitve matter or one that I am connected to, that it's best to do a reading immediately after waking up, when I am refreshed and relaxed.

Don't really have any questions, but would like your thoughts on this... Has anybody else had a similar situation?



I have had this happen to me, yes, especially when I feel very agitated. I just know that it's going to be a meaningless reading.

To get a GOOD reading, one where I know immediately, as soon as I put the cards down, what it means, I have to be in the right mood. When I feel like that I just know that it's going to be a GOOD reading.


Of course. Reading is at least part intuition. Some of us use it more than others in reading but it alywas plays a part. You need to be relaxed to really hear and tune into your intuition. That's perfectly normal.



I have this happen to me as well. There are some times when I just dont feel "connected" to the cards or the reading. Or the reading just makes no sense to me at all. I just can't grasp what is trying to be said to me. Odd isn't it?


David Hooper said:
I've noticed that sometimes I can't "connect" with the cards. It happens most frequently when I am in a flustered mood and it affects both readings for myself as well as others. The cards make no sense, etc.

I used to do a second reading or ask for more clarification, but have found that this only makes things worse. It's like being in quicksand and getting sucked down more each time.

In situations like this, when I know the cards are completely off, my sense is that they're telling me more about my own energy surrounding the situation more than the situation itself. Like, "Hey, you need to put these cards down, calm down, get grounded, and stop obsessing over this."

Have found that it's best, especially when looking for advice on a sensitve matter or one that I am connected to, that it's best to do a reading immediately after waking up, when I am refreshed and relaxed.

Don't really have any questions, but would like your thoughts on this... Has anybody else had a similar situation?


It sounds as if you have identified a time of the day when your intuition is at its peak. It is frequently that way for me also, and I try to make readings part of my morning "ritual," if you will, before all the mundane things of the day and my life start crowding in.

Another thing I find helpful is literally grounding myself. Sitting on the ground, closing my eyes and visualizing myself becoming a tree - sinking roots deep into the earth, feeling my body becoming the trunk and the life (sap) coursing through me as I slowly and deliberately breath in and out.

Of course, if you live in an apartment, you might be a little inhibited by your neighbors seeing you pretending to be a tree. . .Just a thought.


I understand what going through. I have problem reading when other people is around or I just don't feel like doing a reading right now.

I found if i wait a little while I connect better with the cards.

Mybe cards is saying giving yourself rest a few hours then do the reading you will feel better about the reading.


Yup - been through similar :) I usually realise that it's not a good time for reading when I can't pick a card (this is when I'm reading for myself) and start getting in a fluster about it! I almost hear the cards telling me to relax and come back another time :)