crystals for the different seasons/holidays/sabbats


I was wondering besides birthstones for each month, what crystals would be appropriate and "tune-in" to the different seasons and holidays? I was thinking particularly of the following:

Yule/Christmas/winter solstice (one of my favorite times of year)
Summer Solstice (my son was born on it in 2005)
Spring Equinox

Thanks in advance!


YULE/WINTER SOLSTICE: bloodstone, ruby garnet
IMBOLC/CANDLEMAS: turquoise, amethyst
OSTARA/SPRING EQUINOX: aquamarine, rose quartz, moonstone
BELTANE/MAY DAY: sapphire, bloodstone
LITHA/SUMMER SOLSTICE: emerald, jade, tiger's eye, lapis lazuli, diamond
LUGHNASADH/LAMMAS: citrine, periodot/olivine
MABON/FALL EQUINOX: amethyst, yellow topaz
SAMHAIN/HALLOWEEN: obsidian, onyx, carnelian

Happy stone hunting!