Das Lied der Rohrigen - Eight of Wands


How swift is a thought?

In WCS decks the Eight of Wands usually depicts eight branches moving through the air like javelins. It never really meant much to me as an image which shows the meaning I would associate with this card. The Rohrig shows a male and female facing each other, their eyes are white as though transformed into thought. And between them are white beams joining their third eye area to each other.


This represents swiftness to me, but also the deeper meaning of the active thought process. Two people on the same wavelength. The card shows and double representation of the male as though he is the one who is more active in this, passing signals to the female.

Such a wonderful card to reflect this meaning.


I've sometimes thought of the image as representing two men, since the further back face has a moustache. In the realm of telepathy, or instantly transferred thought, though, this could also represent two facets of one man. The faces certainly are identical.

When this card comes up in readings, I usually encourage the sitter to communicate without inhibition.

Love this card.


I didn't notice that the other figure had a moustache. Thanks for that, Karl Thomas.

I interpreted the two male figures as that he's seeing himself through her eyes.


I like that interpretation!