Death card as warning


I had an intuitive signal - the twitching of my right upper eye-lid - which has always signalled a warning message for me. At the time of the twitching, I was thinking about my ex who had resumed contact with me.

I did a small spread with my tarot cards for insight but am stumped by one of tha cards. In the position "What is the warning?" I drew the Death card.

In this position, I interpreted the Death card as warning me that fundamental change has occurred or to be aware that something fundamental has now transpired in the way that my ex relates to me : transformation is the key word here. Another way to read the card would be that the essential emotional core that is the basis of all true relationships has dissipated - or has it? Or maybe the warning is that the relationship as I knew it is now dead - the emotional love is no more and has been transformed to something else - perhaps it is his feelings, or perhaps I am being warned that I should change mine.

Any thoughts on this would be much appreciated!

Kindest regards


P/S : The thread with the full reading is here :


Well, you asked a question regarding your ex, at least I think you did. So, you received a warning and a warning is generally about some possibility of something bad happening. Death therefore suggests that he has changed in some way, perhaps his attitude towards you has taken a turn for the worst, so maybe he is going to be unpleasant. The relationship is already over, so that is not a warning. If you still have strong feelings for him, then Death could be warning you to change them and move on and away from him.



If you broke up with your ex, and he was still in love with you at the time, I would say that Death is a warning that his feelings of love for you have ended. If he broke up with you and you were still in love with him, then Death could be a warning to you that he's not the man you remembered and whatever feelings for him you may still be harboring will come to an end. If it was a mutual breakup, the warning could be that the relationship is really dead and any renewed relationship the two of you might have will be something new (friendship, best buddies, friends with benefits, etc.).

If the other cards in the spread are positive or neutral, I would interpret the Death card as above. If they are more negative, then I might approach the interpretation of Death with more caution.



Thanx willow - I did a reading on what message the Universe was trying to convey to me and the twitch is always a warning of some sort ~

willowfox said:
Well, you asked a question regarding your ex, at least I think you did. So, you received a warning and a warning is generally about some possibility of something bad happening. Death therefore suggests that he has changed in some way, perhaps his attitude towards you has taken a turn for the worst, so maybe he is going to be unpleasant. The relationship is already over, so that is not a warning. If you still have strong feelings for him, then Death could be warning you to change them and move on and away from him.


Perhaps the Death card is actually telling you that it has ended and that maybe you are reluctant to bring this change into your life. The Death Card means just that - death - now that doesn't have to be physical dealth of course, but however you look at it, it has ended and perhaps your warning is that you are not recognising this, therefore you hold yourself back from beginning again.


Thanx Honey Bee - much appreciated!

HoneyBea said:
Perhaps the Death card is actually telling you that it has ended and that maybe you are reluctant to bring this change into your life. The Death Card means just that - death - now that doesn't have to be physical dealth of course, but however you look at it, it has ended and perhaps your warning is that you are not recognising this, therefore you hold yourself back from beginning again.


If you mentioned this already and I missed it I apologize but I just have a quick question for you about which way was the card dignified...Was it upright or reversed?



Hi bainbridge -

The card was in the upright position - as were all the other cards drawn (in the link).
