death clarified by wheele of fortune: how to attract him


to get his attention i'm suppose to do death...death is transformation, growing by painfully shedding your past easy task to make someone feel that way...

there was another card in the reading that my intuition was saying was referring to how i'm suppose to have the death affect on him and that was the wheel of fortune.

so unpredictable, challenge his ideas, i've definelty shown my interest, should i flip it around (wheels) and back off?

how do you guys see death clarified by wheel of fortune

ETA: does death talk about a deep connection? how would you achieve death with someone?

PS. i thought we had a good connection, and a reading i did didn't turn out too according to the cards he's not really interested as of now...(if that means anything to you)


to get his attention i'm suppose to do death...death is transformation, growing by painfully shedding your past easy task to make someone feel that way...

there was another card in the reading that my intuition was saying was referring to how i'm suppose to have the death affect on him and that was the wheel of fortune.

so unpredictable, challenge his ideas, i've definelty shown my interest, should i flip it around (wheels) and back off?

how do you guys see death clarified by wheel of fortune

ETA: does death talk about a deep connection? how would you achieve death with someone?

PS. i thought we had a good connection, and a reading i did didn't turn out too according to the cards he's not really interested as of now...(if that means anything to you)

This could be quite literally saYing that you can't change his mind. The wheel is also a death of sorts card. That's an annubis rising up to meet the sphinx. In egyptian mythology the annubis rules over mummifican and helps Osiris in the underworld. The clue is the sphinx saying that nothing dies but is transformed.

So either you can't do anything or you need to make drastic changes to the way you are. Literally change who you are or your perspective on the situation. But that begs the question do you really want to have to change who you are for someone or would you rather find someone who accepts you for who you are?


This could be quite literally saYing that you can't change his mind. The wheel is also a death of sorts card. That's an annubis rising up to meet the sphinx. In egyptian mythology the annubis rules over mummifican and helps Osiris in the underworld. The clue is the sphinx saying that nothing dies but is transformed.

So either you can't do anything or you need to make drastic changes to the way you are. Literally change who you are or your perspective on the situation. But that begs the question do you really want to have to change who you are for someone or would you rather find someone who accepts you for who you are?

Noooooooooooo. Lol.


I'd read these two cards as saying it's over so move on. Death means the same as literal death. If someone dies, they don't become something else except in a very abstract sense. When something or someone is dead, it's time to move on with our lives without them or without whatever the situation was.


I'd read these two cards as saying it's over so move on.

Sadly, I'd have to agree. Death is the ultimate Full Stop in the Tarot deck. The Wheel of Fortune is the ups-and-downs of life taking it wherever the road leads, not where you plan, so being swept along and not ending up where you want.

The Wheel indicates to me that you're going to be moved along whether you like it or not, so perhaps muse on the Death card and accept it (and if necessary grieve for this loss), then pick yourself up and get on with life.