Death-Journey into Egypt Tarot


This past weekend we experienced a Real Sky Astrology (Vedic) Full Moon in Scorpio (eclipse). This day coincided with a mass march in protest of Monsanto.
Here is The Journey into Egypt Tarot on Full Moon Scorpio.

The Third moon Cycle after the Equinox
in the Season of Shemu
(Season of Deficiency)
The Egyptian Astrological Sign of Scorpio
from the Temple of Hathor ceiling mandala - Dendera

The modern astrological Scorpio image is the same today as it was in ancient Egypt so there are no distinct changes to the sign. The scorpion goddess Selket/Serqet provides clues to the Egyptian meaning of Scorpio. Selket is a goddess of magic and daughter of Ra, and, as with other dangerous goddesses, she protects as well as punishes. She holds the secrets of poisonous venoms and can dispense antidotes. Her priests are doctors and magicians. In the underworld she assists in the process of rebirth of the newly dead and helps the deceased by giving them the breath of life. She is called "Mistress of the Beautiful House" and Selket is referenced as the guardian of the embalming tent. According to The Pyramid Texts she is the mother of Nehebkau, a snake god who protects the pharaoh from snakebites. The constellation of Scorpio crosses the elliptic in a very small area (as little as 3 degrees and as much as 12 degrees, depending on the resource) but in The Journey Into Egypt Scorpio is assigned 10 days in order to account for a thirteenth sign. The remaining 20 days are assigned to
Ophuichus/Serpentarius, the only sign with connections with a real Egyptian man named Imhotep, builder of the earliest pyramids and credited with bestowing the arts of medicine, as well as architecture, to Egypt and her people. Imhotep’s importance is supported by the fact that he is called Aesclepius by the Greeks, Joseph, son of Jacob, in the Bible, and the “Serpent Holder”. The modern symbol of medicine and healing arts is still the intertwined serpents, an image associated with Imhotep. Combining Selket, who is both deadly and benevolent, and Serpentarius, who is a healer, is a comfortable, sensible match.

Full Moon Cycle of Scorpio

In The Journey into Egypt Tarot the Death card represents the full moon cycle of Scorpio, the third full moon after the Vernal Equinox. The symbol of the Scorpion in the zodiac sign of Scorpio is found in the ancient Egyptian stories of the goddess Selket, protector of the newly dead and goddess of life, death, and rebirth.

Author musings…

“In the image for Death I recreated the scene from my dream/vision of Hatshepsut’s Mortuary Temple in the background. In the foreground I have placed a golden sarcophagus that was not
present in my vision. I created an artist rendering of the woman whose body I was in as well as her cat, the only other being in the dreamscape. At the time I occupied her body I had no idea the place I was is a necropolis. I only had my own thoughts and none of hers. I had no idea that she was dead until someone told me who she was. I still have no explanation for what I was doing there or why I was sent there. I was excited to be informed later that the daughter of Hatshepsut is actually buried on the hill where my vision unfolded. I had a hard time remembering her name in the beginning. I have no memories of her life or how she died. I did like her body better than my own, it felt like the shape I had always wanted for myself even when I was thin and twenty-two. Her smaller, almost petit, bone structure was my personal ideal. This experience changed my worldview forever. The vision is as clear today as it was the day it happened- every detail is burned into my memory. When I actually went to the temple in 2007 and 2009 it felt like home. I questioned the way it had been reconstructed. I think parts of it on the ground now belonged up on the cliff the stairway and retaining wall on the cliff was missing. The trees the tour guides said where planted in rows in front were not there when I saw it, they were planted between the roof of the temple and the cliff face. The temple had a closed flat roof.

If this is what death is like then it is a most interesting thing. I understand now when philosophers say time is not linear and that there is no time only now except “now” is much bigger than we can imagine. I am still confounded by this experience. I do not have any concrete understanding of it and yet all the work I have done that seemed unrelated to it seems to have come together in this project to tell a story.”

Card meaning: The meaning of the death card is complete and total change. In a reading this card means you get a do-over; it can be as all-encompassing as new house, new job, or new relationship. Perhaps Monsanto and their ilk are all part of the universal plan to wake people up and get them motivated to change the future. Arch villains are often in our lives to teach us what we stand for and give us direction. Change is afoot.


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I think this is the most beautiful depiction of Death I have seen.
Very interesting reading your thoughts behind the card.
Your deck is a joy to use.


I think this is the most beautiful depiction of Death I have seen.
Very interesting reading your thoughts behind the card.
Your deck is a joy to use.

Thank you Julia.