Death Year


You can imagine my shock when I was calculating my yearly card and realized that the year of 2008 is my death year. I would be lying if I said that I wasn't filled with fear as to what the new year would bring for me. What would be ending in my life? Are these things that I would really want to lose or end even if it was in my best interests to do so?

The current date is February 13, 2008. So it is almost a month and a half into the new year. Not much could have happened in such a short amount of time could it? Or could it? In this month and a half more things have happened than I could even dream of happening. Things have happened that I didn't think would happen for many years. It has been a wild roller coaster of a ride for me thus far into the new year.

My brother was falsely accused of child molestation, which in turn caused me to leave my old environment for an entirely new one. This was a huge change for me, and even though it didn't come from the best of circumstances, it turned out to be one of the best things that has happened to me in quite some time. I've dumped a lot of stress and anxiety that I really didn't need in my life, and I am a much happier person.

I joined the YMCA, and also joined a Yoga class as well as a Pilates class. I thought it would help me not only get into shape, but give me a much needed break from the kids as well as a way to cope with any anxiety that I may have.

I was able to identify poisonous people in my life and get rid of them before they could drag me down with them.

Even though I've been plagued with agoraphobia for 7 years, I've already made huge strides this year at battling it. I'm able to be left alone without being a nervous wreck the entire time, I was able to move out of my safety zone, and I have started driving again.

I'm not sure yet, but I think that I might be pregnant once again as well.

This is only the beginning of my Death Year but already so many wonderful things have happened for me even though they began with not so pleasant events before becoming this way. I am nervous and scared at the same time to see what else this year has in store for me.

So now I'm curious. For those who have had a Death year, how did it pan out for you?


Azarial said:
So now I'm curious. For those who have had a Death year, how did it pan out for you?

It worked out better than expected. See, I know a lot of people when they get the death card or the tower card, they break into a sweat and starting freakin' out or something. But having my Death year last year, was so perfect for me. All of the preconceived BS I grew up with did indeed die, but was reborn into something quite different. This is my Temperance year and believe me, :laugh: it is showing. Don't be afraid of your Death year Azarial, look at it and embrace it. Things are going to change, but then, life is a constant change isn't it.

Hang in.



My Death year was 2006. I am really hard pressed to remember anything spectacular happening. I had been retired the year before. I think things more or less went along. Sorry to disappoint, but I guess they are not all dramatic.


I was introduced to the Year Card concept only 3-4 years ago and quickly found that in retrospective, I could find a correspondence if I looked hard, but I could have found messages for many other cards as well ;)

So I'm using this card predominantly to meditate on and work with, like a personal development goal or a special theme for a year. Totally personal and nothing external about it.

I'm in my Justice year and currently working on my to-do-list for it... yes, some challenges, but I'm really looking forward to it.


Pardon my ignorance, but how does one calculate one's yearly card?

If there's a post elsewhere that elucidates, just point me at it. :)



I decided to check out the year cards for some major years in my life, and I kept having Empress years and Strength years and just about anything that added up to an 8 or under.

And then I came to the year 2000. That was my Death year. Probably yet another reason I put the cards away for quite a long time. It was a year when we deconstructed what had been a wonderful place to work because the Company had been forced under by someone's illegal actions. And they didn't even work for my company! It was a very difficult and really ugly year.

The important thing however, is that I survived. I think we all need to remember that we survive these things, no matter how hard they are.


irongoddess said:
Pardon my ignorance, but how does one calculate one's yearly card?

If there's a post elsewhere that elucidates, just point me at it. :)


add the date and month of your birth to the current year and reduce it to a number lower than 22 - 22 being The Fool.

For example (with my birthday which is June 12th)...

12 + 06 + 2008 = 2026
2 + 0 + 2 + 6 = 10 so my year card this year is The Wheel of Fortune (10).

Hope that helps :)


Thanks, Sulis!

In that case, 2008 is my Death year, strangely enough.

My father-in-law died on Christmas Eve. We began the new year dealing with the emotional, financial, and social ramifications of that loss.

This is the first time someone very close to me has died, and one of the first times I've witnessed death at close proximity. It's also a time of transformation, since my father-in-law was ill for quite some time and we felt the stress of dealing with that. He's been released from his pain, and we've been released into a new phase of our lives, a strange blend of grief and new opportunity.

In business, financial, and creative areas, I can see the Death card as well -- transformations that are not necessarily easy but that are opening me to new experiences. A little scary, sometimes sad, but also exciting!


It's also the death year for me. Last year was my hanged man year, and it was really difficult, with some very difficult decisions. I don't know what this year will bring yet.

Major Tom

Sulis said:
For example (with my birthday which is June 12th)...

12 + 06 + 2008 = 2026
2 + 0 + 2 + 6 = 10 so my year card this year is The Wheel of Fortune (10).

Just to point out there is more than one method for calculating a year card. Using Sulis' example:

1+2+0+6+2+0+0+8=19 so it could be your Sun year.

I prefer this method because it's the one most numerologists would use.

I'd also like to point out that numerologists would not stop until there's a single digit. So for those who worry about a Death year they could see it as an Emperor year. Similarly a Tower year could be seen as a Chariot year. Sulis' Sun year could be seen as a Magician year. And if you do reduce to a single digit it doesn't matter which method of calculation you use, you'll always get the same answer.

One is of course welcome to use whichever method one chooses but one should be aware that a different method will provide a different answer. :p